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"Do you ever do anything besides sleep?"

Yunki ignores my question, but groans with irritation as I scoot further away, dislodging his head from my lap in an attempt to put some distance between us. Lately he's been friendlier than normal, and I'm doing my best to ignore the way my heart flutters in my chest at the sight of his sleeping face.

"Get back here, " he commands indignantly, "pillows aren't supposed to move."

I huff angrily.

"Since when did I become your pillow, you didn't even seem to want to tolerate me last week! Are you bi-polar?"

"Since I caught Jin with his tongue down your throat, and consequently found out that everyone is trying to bone you," he argues snidely, "also, are Gods even capable of being bi-polar?"

"I don't know! You tell me!"

I don't even bother trying to argue about the kiss that Seokjin and I had shared, as the God of Gluttony, I'd simply assumed he'd had a little much to drink, especially considering that the kiss had come entirely out of left field.

"Wait a second, are Gods even capable of getting drunk?"

"Not really, why?"

Yunki's answer leaves me with only more questions, and I groan in frustration. Things were difficult enough when I had to juggle rejecting four Gods, I swear I don't know how I'm supposed to survive all of this.

"You're not gonna suddenly start trying to kiss me too, are you? I really don't think I can handle it, I might just lose what little sanity I have left."

"Eww, no, " he makes a show of scrunching his nose up in disgust, but his efforts are bellied by the blush that rises to the surface of bis exceptionally pale cheeks. "I'm just trying to cock block everyone else, so get back over here!"

"That's actually not a bad idea, " I murmur quietly to myself as I comply, scooting back over once more so that Yunki can rest his head upon my lap again.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't skeptical of his intentions, but who am I to doubt a God?

"You still awake?"

"No, " he replies, lacking even a hint of sarcasm as he continues to rest, eyes closed and ignoring the world around him.


"Thank you."

This time, a small smile tugs at the corners of his doll-like mouth, and I am helpless to resist smiling in return.

"Can I ask you something?"

"You just did, didn't you?"

Lightly, I smack his shoulder, completely unbothered by the sound of righteous indignation that rises from his throat.

"I'm a God you know, do you want to get smitten?"

I laugh, ignoring the way he continues to grumble petulantly.

"Why are they all like this? I haven't even been here a full two months, and Jimin is the one that brought me here in the first place, but I can't even step outside without worrying about Casanova one through six."

He shrugs, shoulders rising only to fall in a gesture that is entirely Yunki.

"We're Gods, " he answers, "time means relatively little when you're immortal. And given our nature, it only makes sense they'd want whatever Jimin does. Greed, envy, pride, etc, can you really not see their motivations for what they are?"

I frown, somehow, I hadn't thought of that, and the revelation is less than thrilling.

"So basically, Jimin has a shiny new toy and everyone else wants it, just because it isn't theirs."

"Pretty much, yeah. Except me."

"Except you."

I sigh pitifully.

"I'm not saying that's all there is to it, " he concedes, "so don't get all mopey. If you weren't as intriguing as you are, I doubt they'd bother."

"I don't see what's so intriguing about me, " I refute. "I'm just a regular human being, just like millions of other human beings."

"Yeah, " he argues, "that's not really true. Most of the humans I've met would sell their own mothers if it meant they could have an easier life, but you're not like that at all."

I scoff.

"When was the last time any of you even interacted with a human being? Aside from Jimin, of course, but then he isn't really interacting with societies best, now is he?"

"We don't really need to interact with humanity to know what they're like, " he speaks dismissively. "But I get what you're saying."

Grateful that at least someone seems to semi-understand, I let it slide, and steer the topic into another direction.

"Thanks, by the way. You're actually really sweet when you want to be."

"Don't mention it, " he replies. "Seriously, please don't. I have a reputation to uphold you know."

I laugh, and notice that Yunki is displaying a small smile of his own.

"Don't worry Mr.Softie, your secret's safe with me."

"It'd better be, " he mock growls. "Otherwise I'll tell Jimin and Hobi about all the places you use to hide from them."

"Ouch!" I exclaim playfully. "And here I thought you were a nice person. I take it all back!"

"A secret for a secret, fair is fair."

"Touché, " I reply, and unable to think of anything else to say, we fall into silence.

Before long, Yunki begins to snore gently, signalling to me that he has fully fallen asleep.

It's odd, but I find myself at peace as I gaze off into the distance. In the lower levels, there is always some sort of noise going on, but here, amidst the clouds, it is quiet and serene. Once, I'd have expected to find the lack of white noise disconcerting. But that doesn't seem to be the case at all.

Tilting my head back, I close my eyes, trying to listen for any sound at all. Unsurprisingly, I find nothing at all besides the gentle sound of Yunki's breathing, so I quickly give up. For a moment, I allow myself to relax. I haven't seen the other's all day, and as I unwind, I can't help but wonder what it is that they get up to that would keep them so busy.

Ultimately, I dismiss such thoughts, simply glad for a moments respite against the intensity that comes with dealing with them. Little by little, I unwind, and before long, Yunki is not the only one snoring away in the open air.

SolecismOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora