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A/N: This chapter, I must warn you, contains a boy on boy sexual scene. If this is not your cup of tea, consider yourself warned. To be honest, it's not usually my cup of tea either, which is why I've never read any of the ship books out there. I find it incredibly hot in small doses, but too much is a bit of a turn off for me. There will be other scenes in which the members screw each other, but it will not be the primary point of this story.


My chest heaves up and down as I attempt to catch my breath. I've just run away from Seokjin, and I feel as if there isn't enough air in the world. I blush, recalling the way he'd simply chuckled in amusement as I'd dashed, not in the least concerned or offended.

I swear, it's like they're trying to kill me.

"If you run away so fast, you might give Seokjin the wrong impression. He's the kind of guy who really enjoys the chase."

With a startled cry, I spin around, holding my hand to my heart.

"Aish! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

Jeongguk stands before me with an impush grin, and shrugs passively.

"I can think of far better ways to make your heart stop."

Frustrated, I growl. My heart literally can't take any more of this, and yet it can't seem to stop itself either.

"Back up!" I command firmly, alarmed when he does the exact opposite. "I mean it! The lot of you are going to kill me! I'm just an average human being, with an average fucking heart! I can't take it!"

"What?" Jeongguk grins saucily, "my dick? I bet you'd take it so prettily."

"That! That right there! Stop doing that!"

"You know, " he replies, still grinning as if he'd just won the lottery, "the fact that you're so flustered just tells me that you really want it. Why not let yourself have it?"

His fingers scrape against my scalp, sending shivers down my spine before closing around a fistful of my hair and yanking my head backwards. I groan, unable to help myself as he drags his tongue down the column of my throat.

"P-please, " I plead breathlessly, "stop!"

"Why should I?" He growls, nipping gently at the skin of my throat. "You're already so wet. We can smell these things you know. Every erratic beat of your heart, we vmcan hear that too. Why do you think it is that we're all so insistent? Stop trying to pretend like you aren't affected."

"It's not that simple!"

"Oh but it is, " he replies casually.

I gasp as he bites down, and begins suckling against my flesh as if it were some kind of delicious delicacy. And as he releases me from the suction of his lips, his breath tickles my skin and I feel his lips erupt into slight and satisfied smirk.

Dazed, I groan, and he chuckles ever so slightly.

"Why fight it so desperately?" He questions, amusement evident in his voice. "You'll beg me for it eventually anyway. It's only a matter of time."

His prideful statement, while one I'm no longer sure I can ultimately argue with, causes me to frown. Not that he seems to care. If anything, as he pulls away, he seems to only be smiling even more widely.

Suddenly, I feel like a lamb in the midst of seven wolves. If I'm not careful, I really will be devoured whole.

And Jeongguk?

Well, he just sits there, staring at me with this sinful look in his eyes. So I do the same thing I've done so many times before.

I turn and run.

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