Chapter 18

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Ross' POV

I'd blink open my eyes to the sound of my phone going off. A loud groan escaped my lips as I managed to grab ahold of my phone before I placed it on speaker, "Hello?"

"Hey Ross, its Jessica. I just noticed your text on wanting to work for me at Bluejay and I would love for you and Max to join me! But- just like all of my other workers, you both need to be interviewed- I'm free today if you both are!" Jess rambled on as I slowly adjusted to my surroundings. My gaze drifted towards my nightstand where my glasses sat, I causally grabbed ahold of my glasses before responding to Jessica.

"Uh- sure let me ask Max first.."

"Great! Talk to you later, Ross!" As the older girl hung up on me I gingerly leaned back on my bed before sighing, I never expected today to arrive so quickly- especially after the events that happened last night. Am I ready to face Max again- after I kissed him on the nose? My eyes darted around the room until they landed on the gray Squirrel plush that sat on my dresser in the far right of the room. A smile slowly made it's way onto my face before I rolled off bed. Max faced his fears for me and so did I- it has to be worth something!

My feet carried me out of my bedroom as I raced towards Max's bedroom. Timtam was at work in the offices so we didn't have to worry about waking him up. I paused infront of Max's door before lightly knocking on it- no response? I proceeded to knock again but Max still didn't respond. My heart dropped in my chest as I glared at the door in frustration, I'm coming in there...

I quickly thrust the door open- the only thing illuminating Max's dark room was his window. I glanced around to find him still on his bed- his arms were outstretched as he held something close to his chest. My heart thundered as I gingerly took a few paces forward but I paused infront of him. As soon as I stopped infront of the ginger I glanced down to find a picture frame in his arms- the weirdest part was that the picture frame had the picture of a man standing beside a small child in it. Both the man and the child were ginger's- making me wonder if Max was perhaps related to this man in any possible way.

However before I could take the picture frame to examine it some more the Ginger's eyes flew open. His brown eyes widened in terror as we looked up at me, "I-Ross- why are you watching me sleep!?!" A bright pink dusted Max's cheeks as he hid his face under his blankets instinctively.

I quickly looked at my feet before shaking my head quickly, "Wha- No... no... no! I- I was coming to tell you something when I saw that picture in your arms- uh, what is it anyways?"

"Mumf? Ooh..." Max frowned as he lifted up the picture, his gaze traveled around the image as though he were reliving the moment and I could swear that I saw tears in his eyes, "that's just a picture of my father and I- he died when I was only 7..."

I quickly tossed myself onto Max's bed before wrapping my arms around the older Male. The ginger signed before leaning into my touch, "I'm sorry Ma-"

"Its fine Ross..." Max spoke as he looked away from me, his arm quickly traveled towards his neck as he scratched it for a moment before getting off me. I want to help him but he keeps away from me- an apprehensive sigh escaped my lips as I looked away from Max, but I looked back up at him when he started to speak again. "Anyways, why did you come here?"

"Oh right- Jess is letting us do our interviews at Bluejay tod-" I paused as I watched a big frown make it's way onto Max's face. I let out a low chuckle before I shook my head quickly, "I promise that it's not a trick, Max!"

"It better not be..." A smile made it's way into both of our faces before Max sighed and nodded, "great- let's get ready then?"

"Alright, I'll naruto run you to Jess' house as soon as we're finnished!"

Max gasped as his dark brown eyes widened, "Is. That. A. Challenge? You know I'm the king of challenges right?"

"Then fight meh!"

"Alright Ross- Challenege accepted! Besides I'm a Butt Knight- I must keep ahold of my title!" Max laughed before pushing me out of his room.

A smile made it's way onto my face as I sighed- at least I can make Max happy?

Guys- get ready because soon your heart will be traveling on an emotional Rollar Coaster!

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