freak like me;

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he's one quirky bastard, i'll give him that.

donghyuck thought to himself as he stared up at the ceiling, he couldn't sleep. jaemin on the other hand was completely knocked out and had been snoring for the past thirty minutes. though that wasn't the cause of the brunette's temporary insomnia.

he's gotta admit that even though mark went as far as physically hurting him in his fit of rage, it was pretty hot.

"oh god, i'm just as much of a sick fuck as renjun makes him out to be", donghyuck groaned.

his silky raven locks, piercing brown eyes, and oh my god that shirt-

"ugh, this is getting me nowhere", donghyuck decided to cut his twisted fantasies and switched to looking things up on the internet.

after cringing at some trendy videos and laughing at most of them (while trying not to wake jaemin up), an idea popped up in his mind.

"..this will just be for research...yeah..research", he bit his lip and looked up mark's profile on facebook.

there weren't many posts out of the ordinary. just your typical campus heartthrob postings statuses about how his day went and the like.

donghyuck, however,  happened to come across a certain post.

"this is mark's ex...", he saw a photo of mark and his ex, mina. a standard selfie, probably taken on campus grounds.

"they looked so happy together...i wonder why she would just dump him like that", the brunette muttered under his breath as he scrolled through other posts of the two.

tired of all the lovey dovey bullshit, donghyuck checked out mina's account as well considering the um....passing.

"august 23rd...on scene it was hard to identify the victim...until further test results came up and concluded it was the body of mina myoi...damn", the more that donghyuck looked into the case, the more chills came up his spine.

not even a single photo or post about mina's death was posted on mark's account, maybe that's why people suspect him to be the murderer.

comments were directed at mark ranging from 'i can't believe he would do something like that' to 'just admit you killed her, you psychopath'.

donghyuck had enough information thrown at him all at once and shut his laptop off.

"this is giving me a headache", he laid down and covered his eyes with his forearm, forcing himself to get some sleep.

it wasn't working obviously, he looked to the side to stare at the digital clock sitting on his nightstand projecting the numbers '1:16 am' in neon green.

this is going to be a long day, he thought as he waited for sleep to consume him.



"ugh...fuck what time is it?", donghyuck opened his eyes a bit just to take a peek at his clock and immediately shut the alarm off when it read '6:35 am'.

feeling extremely exhausted after getting little to no sleep last night, donghyuck wanted to go straight back to bed as it was a weekend but noticed that jaemin's bed on the other side of the room, was empty.

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