• • A world Without you in It • •

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   Severe trigger warning for all chapters

Marinette hated the feeling, being alone Alya had left her and she couldn't be normal around Adrien, Kim and Max had abandoned her as well as the rest of the class. This was all Lila's fault she promised to make Marinette's life a living hell and now she had finally made it.

  Marinette stood on her balcony looking at the Paris sky. "No one cares anymore Tikki Lila drove them all away"

  Her little companion flew up and cupped her cheek "You still have Adrien". Marinette considered trying to talk to Adrien but came up blank. She had already resorted to cutting. Tikki went to face Marinette again only to see her jump off her balcony.

  Chat had been on patrol that night and just happened to be passing by when he saw a girl jump from her balcony.

  Marinette braced herself for the impact but nothing came, she felt warm arms wrap around her. "Marinette are you insane a fall like that could have killed you" She pushed her way out of Chat's arms.

  "That was the point Chat!" she yelled "no one cares about me anymore"

  "Marinette I'm sure that's not tr-"

  "Yes it is Lila drove them all away I have no one Chat no one" With that Chat seemed to hit a realization,

  "Marinette show me your arm"

  "Chat forget it" she started to walk away but was soon pulled back.

  "Mari I said show me your arm"  Marinette looked up at Chat's eyes normally happy and cheery now laced with worry and concern. She lifted up her sleeve to show lines of cuts she had made from razors. "Marinette!" Chat grabbed her arm "Why would you do this to your self"

   She froze "I told you I have no one else" Chat sighed he thought Mari still liked him as Adrien but maybe not "I can't talk to the only person who I trust, my crush"

   Chat scoffed "let me guess that Luka kid"

   Marinette sighed "no he turned away from me too, I was talking about my friend Adrien" Chat froze, she liked him.

   Chat pulled her into a hug "Mari let me come inside, I want to help you. I can be here for you as a friend" A blush spread across her face and nodded. Chat extended his staff and landed on the balcony. He walked down into the trap door and what hurt him most wasn't that Marinette didn't talk to him about this, but that she had no hesitation to jump. Chat walked around her room "Princess I want you to give me all the razors you have in this room" Marinette walked around her room and grabbed two razors and handed them to Chat dried blood lacing the edges.

   She looked down in shame as Chat's eyes widened "sorry Chat it- it's just.." she was cut off by Chat pulling her in resting his head on hers.

The next night

   "Chat you came back" Marinette said when the black cat landed on her balcony the next night.

  "Of course princess, I had to make sure you were still okay" Marinette decided it was best not to tell the cat she cut again. "Princess what's wrong" he looked in her worry laced eyes "You cut again didn't you" Chat leaped onto her bed. "Princess promise me you'll stop" he pulled her into his arms and sat on the bed cradling her in his arms. Planting a  kiss her head "Promise me, princess, I can't lose you.

  Chat had been coming for the past week and Marinette hadn't cut since then, but that didn't mean she didn't want to. "Princess are you okay" Chat asked while she curled up against him on the chaise.

  She frowned "Chat if I killed myself tonight what would you do"

"Princess I don't even want to think about you not being in this world" He planted a kiss on her head. And Chat layed back down running his fingers through her hair.

   "Princess!" Chat called running down the stairs, she hadn't been in her room when he came in that night. "Where are you" he knocked on the closed bathroom door, no response he tried turning the knob. Nothing it was locked "CATACLYSM" the door fell. He ran in and there in the tub was Marinette wrists slit and bleeding, "Princess" Chat felt for a pulse Nothing she was dead he didn't try to stick up for Mari to Lila, and because of that she had lost her only real friend and it was his fault... He turned and found a note taped to the mirror

If you're reading this it's because I can't
live like this anymore, my friends have left me
and I don't know what to do. You were there
for me and I thank you but the pain was too much
I love you kitty

He felt all his life force drain as he read the note, she loved him. She cared when no one else really did. Marinette was suffering the most and she still made him feel like he was free when she herself felt trapped.

   "Chat!" Marinette called, He woke up with a jolt,

  "Princess!" he gripped her tight.

  "Chat you fell asleep, it's time for you to leave I have school tomorrow" They had just finished fall break and it was the first week back at school since Alya and the others left her. Chat just nodded and made a mental note to himself to try to talk to Marinette as Adrien.

Faded Soul (Editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora