• • When it rains it Pours • •

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Her eyes darted to the marks on the girls backs, what the hell had he done. "Princess let me explain" Chat said crawling into the trap door.

Marinette froze "explain what Chat! you could have killed those girls"

"That was never my intent I swear"

"Then what! What in Earth were you doing there in the first place!"

"It was my intention to hear what they were saying, jealously took over." He stepped forward and grabbed her hands "Princess I love you, I will protect you with my life"

   Marinette shot a look at him "So you would kill!" Chat looked down clearly shameful of what he did. "Chat look I'm sorry I got mad, but please don't kill for me. I'm not that important anyway"

   It stung did she really hate herself that much "Don't lie!" Chat yelled, he pulled her in "I'm sorry I yelled, but Princess you mean so much to me"! He pulled out her pigtails and ran his clawed gloves through his hair.

  Marinette placed a hand on his cheek and he placed his other hand on top. " Kitty" Marinette sighed. "Why, why on Earth did you fall in love with me"

  Chat kissed her forehead "Because Princess, your sweet, and kind, and no matter what people say about you, you would do anything to help them.

   Marinette's phone rang "I'll get it" she picked it up and winced "Lila...." Chat's throat closed up. She slowly pressed the button pick up.

   Chat could hear Lila's voice screaming out of the phone, "YOU BITCH YOU DID THIS" Chat instinctively walked over and grabbed Marinette's arm. "WHEN I GET OUT OF THIS FUCKING HOSPITAL YOUR GONNA GET IT" she soon heard Chloe, Sabrina, Alya join in at screaming. Marinette hung up and set the phone down. She ran down to the bathroom, and Chat chased her out of her room.

   Chat chased her down the stairs "Marinette don't you dare lock yourself in that room" he grabbed the door knob and held it open, "Princess please" a tear ran down his face. He wanted to kill the girls who did this to her, at school she wasn't the whitty, kind, clever Marinette anymore. She was shy,scared and bruised both mentally and physically. He felt the door knob slip out of his hands as the door slammed. He missed the old Marinette even at home she acted the same, he missed her wittiness. He wanted to see Ladybug, he really needed someone.

    He heard a whimper from the bathroom, she cut herself again and he knew it. He walked away slowly, He leapt out the window and tried to call Ladybug but no one picked up. He sat on Notre Dome and waited nothing..... He leapt around for an hour still nothing he headed back to Marinette's house and walked down to the bathroom the door was still locked. "P-Princess can I come in" The door clicked and he walked in to see Marinette with a cut trailing up her arm. She ran up and hugged him, "if you die i'll die with you"

   Marinette brushed hair out of his face and nuzzled into his chest "Won't Ladybug need you" she asked as he pulled her in closer.

      Chat's heart sunk, she was right Ladybug would need a new partner, "What about Adrien wouldn't he lose his only friend" He asked knowing full well that Adrien wouldn't need it because he was Adrien and he would die with her. "Mari please... get some sleep I'll see you tomorrow after school"

   Chat leapt home and fell onto his bed, "I give up, I can't save her anymore. The girls will kill her if she doesn't do it her self. Chat walked into his bathroom and saw the razors he took from Marinette. Should he, he had the razors and she wouldn't find out since he wore the suit. He would still have deal with it as Adrien, Marinette would ask questions if she saw he cut not to mention his father would be furious and blame his friends. He dropped his transformation and grabbed the razor and slid off his jacket making a small cut in his upper arm.

  The blood trickled down, it wasn't much but it still mocked him. "Kid you should stop, cutting isn't gonna help" Adrien made another tiny cut and Plagg flew over and took the razor from Adrien's hand. "Look kid Marinette needs you, and if you die who is she gonna turn to?" Adrien looked at the floor, Plagg was right no one else would help Marinette it was up to him to keep her safe and alive.

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