• • The flat iron did It • •

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The next day at school when Adrien sat next to Nino he tried to cover the hickey with the scarf from his dad since it was getting colder. "Dude your hickeys showing" Adrien choked on the air. Nino saw Marinette walk in and into the back of the classroom where she decided to sit. "Dude your staring" Nino was not to fond of Marinette but refused to leave Adrien. "Did she do that to you"

Adrien shot Nino a warning glance "No nino I was fixing my hair and burned myself with the flat iron" Nino couldn't hold back his laugh. "Nino seriously who on Earth would I let get close enough to give me a hickey" Chloe winked at Adrien "Chloe I will file a restraining order if you don't cut that shit out" Chloe looked away and back at the board. "Nino I swear it was nothing"

Nino smirked "you would think you'd be better at hiding hickeys ya know 'mr Model' and all" Adrien looked at Nino with a confused and mortified look, "No dude not like that I mean with Makeup you use it all the time don't you" Adrien smiled.

The teacher walked in and set her bag down "all right is everyone here, Agreste Adrien"


"Bourgeois Chloe"


"Cessarie Alya"

"Dupain Cheng Marinette"

"Im here miss" After the teacher finished calling names they got to work.

The teacher clapped her hands "Alright we will be in groups of three so find a group" Alya walked to the back and slapped her hand on Marinette's desk.

Marinette flinched "Um hi Alya do you need something"

Adrien could be heard "Alya hey I was gonna work with Marinette and Nino if that was okay" Marinette let out a sigh of relief "Is it okay if I work with your boyfriend" Alya's expression grew dark and she stormed off."you okay Mari" Adrien asked calmly placing his hand on her shoulder and the other brushing his fingers through her hair. "Is it okay if you work with us" Marinette nodded and Adrien signaled for Nino to come over. Adrien sat in between Nino and Marinette just incase. "Okay so what should we do for our topic"

Nino's face lit up "Well its a health and wellness class what about...." Nino faked a pause as if he was thinking "Suicide prevention" he knew the topic would make Marinette uncofortable.

Marinette choked on the air, "Nino I think we should choose something else"

Nino sprung out of his seat, a smirk planted on his face "Too late i'm already confirming the topic" Adrien turned to see Marinette's face go pale.

Adrien gently rubbed his friends back, "Hey hey sorry about Nino, I'll talk about changing the topic" Marinette curled up into Adriens arms. "Don't worry, I'll be here to help"

On the way home from school Marinette was busy thiinking about how Nino assigned her the topic of types of suicide and what signs are, "I can do that instead" Adrien had said, but Nino insited.

Marinette saw Chat on her balcony when she made it to the front of her bakery, she ran up to her room and opened the trap door. "Hey kitty come in" He knew she was hurting inside and he hated she hid it.

As much as Adrien hated changing the topic he had to start conversation "My friend saw my hickey you gave me." Marinette giggled.

A smirk tugging on her lips "Well I should hope so, I marked you as mine didn't I?" she asked in a playful tone. Chat's whole face went red, Which caused Marinette to laugh. She plopped down on her chasie, Chat following her draping his arm over her shoulder. "I love you kitty" Marinette whispered dragging her fingers through his soft blonde hair. "Chat i'm stuck in a group project with the topic of suicide and of course im stuck with the section of types or suicide and signs someone will commit it"

Chat looked at her worried she was really beaten up about it "Princess I don't think that's a good idea, I really don't want to lose you" She curled up into his arms, letting Chat completely engulf her with his embrace. "I really don't want to be in a world without you in it. It would be Hell" Marinette nuzzled her head into his chest.

A low purr escaping Chat's chest sent Marinette into a light sleep. "Chat" she mumbled "Don't leave me"

Chat smiled softly, while playing with her hair "Wouldn't dream of it, my princess"

Marinette woke up to the feeling of arms wrapping around her and a low rumbling sound by her ear, Chat had fallen asleep at her house. He had spent the night, he was still holding her close. All because he loved her and didn't want to lose her. "Chat wake up" Marinette whispered in his ear. A mumbled no came from her partner. "Wake up or its game over with your parents"

Chat sat up "who cares it was worth it to know your safe, your alive, and your mine" Marintte blushed, Chat had claimed her, she belonged to him, he loved her, and nothing made her happier.

A smile tugged at her lips "I'll always be yours kitty"

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