• • A Sickening Project • •

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   Marinette's body was cold, Chat felt tears prick his eyes. She was dead he came to visit her and there she was dead, he saw the razors on the wooden floor. He picked them up and set them in the table next to her sewing machine we're three notes, one labeled 'mom and dad' another was labeled 'Lila' and finally 'Chat' his hand hovered over the note to him self before he grabbed the one addressed to Lila. He opened it and read it,


Congrats I'm dead you did it, you made my life a living hell. You pushed my friends away, you made half of Paris hate me. And now your making one last person suffer, I'm not going to miss the feeling of breathing or being in my own home. I will miss the one person who showed me love through all this and all I have left to say to you is, I hope you never feel the way I did.

  - Marinette

  Chat shoved the paper back into the envelope, his hand hovered over the note to him, did he really want to read this. This letter was addressed to him, Marinette was dead and she wrote him a note. He slowly peeled it open,


Kitty where do I even start. I love you so much and I'm so sorry I put this burden on you but I want you to forget about this, forget me, and move on. You showed me love when no one else did and you saved me more times then I can count. I've waited this long not because it would hurt you more because I hate seeing you sad, but because this was the anniversary of the day Lila first came to school, I really can't thank you enough you've kept me alive this long and I'm sorry I had to do this to you, but please know this isn't your fault. If it makes you feel any better I'll always love you. I want you to go on and keep helping Paris because I don't want anyone else to feel this way. I can't think of anything else to say , but someone I love very much told me place your hand on your chest, what do you feel, and what's it doing. And I don't want yours to stop beating either. I love you kitty I'm truly sorry.


  Chat dropped to the floor, she was gone she was really gone.

  Chat opened his eyes he was on her chaise, there was no blood, no razors and no Marinette. "Princess" he sat up and walked around her room nothing. He walked down stairs to the bathroom to find an open door with a tub running, he walked in a saw Marinette sitting by the sink. "Princess!" She looked up and saw Chat, she jumped up and hugged him. "Princess your okay"

  Marinette curled up into Chat's arms. "C-Chat" Marinette started crying. " I-I please help me" Chat turned off the water. Marinette followed and dipped her feet into the warm water. "Chat don't let go" she rested her head on Chat's shoulder.

  He gently took out her pig tails and ran his fingers through her hair. "I'm never letting go" she drained the water and let Chat carry her to her room. "Princess come here" Marinette walked over to Chat who was sitting on her chaise. "I want you to look at me, and tell me how you feel about anything at all okay"

  Marinette nodded "I hate feeling like this, hated, useless, worthless, alone. Part of me wants to die." Chat sighed brushing hair out of her face, " but most of all Kitty, I love you I really really love you" Chat kissed her forehead.
"Oh wait the project it's due tomorrow"

  Chat looked at her worriedly "the one about suicide?" Marinette nodded slowly "your not doing it" Marinette raised an eyebrow. "I ran into Adrien and he said he would do it.

  Marinette sighed "Chat what happened you seem scared"

  "I can't lose you, I've had nightmares of you dead" Marinette kissed Chat. "Princess I don't want to loose you"

  Marinette knew Chat needed some sleep "you need sleep, you can either stay here or go home but your not staying up."

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