• • The bitch came Back • •

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  The next day when Marinette arrived at school she saw Alya and Chloe sitting with Sabrina laughing and chatting. Marinette pushed that aside and started walking to her first class when she bumped into Adrien. "Marinette are you okay"

  Marinette blushed and to no surprise, she became a stuttering mess "I um hey how Adrien um hi". Marinette facepalmed. "S-sorry Adrien I meant to say Hi'' Marinette felt hands shove her forward and ironically right into Adrien's arms.

  Laughing could be heard as Marinette blushed furiously into Adrien's chest. "HEY WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM" Marinette looked up to see Adrien yelling at whoever had pushed her.

  A girls voice crept closer "honestly Adrien, I don't know why you haven't ditched this Brainless Bitch"

   "DON'T CALL HER THAT" The grip Adrien had around Marinette tightened. Marinette recognized the voice as Alya. It hurt hearing her once best friend call her that. "I CARE ABOUT MARINETTE UNLIKE YOU, SO LEAVE IT ALONE" Marinette felt her heart skip a beat Adrien cared her crush cared. "Marinette are you okay" Adrien whispered. In all the rush of the feeling of Adrien caring Marinette hardly noticed Alya left.

  Marinette slowly pushed herself up "Ya I am now Adrien"  Marinette felt fingers tangle through her hair.

  Adrien rested his head on Marinette's "I'm glad, I won't let anyone hurt you" Adrien had to hold back the instinct to call her princess. He went to grab her wrist to walk her to class, a loud hiss came from her lips. Adrien knew what was wrong but it was Chat who found out not Adrien. "Marinette whats wrong"


  "Your hurt"

  "Its not bad"

   "Mari please" He pulled up her sleeve. "You cut" Marinette whipped her hand back.

  "Ill see you tomorrow Adrien"

   The rest of the day Marinette got death glares from everyone except Adrien, he only looked concerned.


  It was the end of the day and Marinette was walking back home when she turned to see Chloe walking towards her. Someone pulled her back to the area behind the school. "Hey bitch" she heard Chloe call as hands shoved her backward. Pain shot through Marinette's back as she was shoved into the brick wall. "Whats the matter does that hurt" another shot of pain ran through her cheeks as Sabrina slapped her.

  Marinette turned to see Alya "What's wrong Marinette" she asked in a mocking tone 'if I were Ladybug right now things would be a whole different story' she thought to her self. Another shove landed her into a corner pain exploding through her body. "Bye bitch" Alya called as she left with Sabrina, Chloe stepped forward and lifted Marinette by the collor throwing her into the wall once more.

  Marinette now collapsed on the ground curled up and bleeding never wanted death to come quicker. "Marinette" she just wanted to die "Marinette" die here alone and cold because no one cared. "Marinette!" Marinette opened her eyes to see Adrien running over "Pr- Mari are you okay" he kneeled down next to her placing a hand on her back. "Can you try to stand for me" Adrien asked still bracing her back. She tried to stand up but quickly collapsed. "I'll carry you to the car, we can go to the hospital" Marinette nodded and leaned into the warmth of Adrien.

  Adrien carefully set her down in the car a grunt coming from the driver "The hospital please" the driver nodded and started driving to the hospital.

  The doctor smiled "The good news is nothings broken" Adrien let out a sigh of relief, "your lucky you managed to find your girlfriend in time" Adrien blushed.

  Now it was his turn to become a stuttering mess "Oh um shes not, shes not my girlfriend"

  The doctor shot him a smirk. "Sure kid just make sure she gets rest" Adrien walked into the waiting room to get Marinette, she smiled and stepped forward walking with Adrien back to the car.

   That night when Chat came to visit Marinette was once again on her balcony. "Princess!" Chat came from behind her and wrapped his arms around her. "Please don't jump"


   "Because I care"

   "Your a super hero its your job"

   "That doesn't mean I care any less. Princess...." Chat let out a sigh "Princess I love you" Marinette felt Chat nuzzle his head into the crook of her neck and slowly parted his lips. "I love your more than anything" his warm lips closed on her skin and released. "Your the only thing that I love" She let him nuzzle his head into the crook of her neck, she liked him, as much as she wanted to stay loyal to her crush on Adrien Chat was right here right now and she didn't have to worry about stuttering. He slowly moved his lips back onto her neck, and slowly started sucking. He heard Marinette squeal, "I-is this okay Princess"

   Marinette smirked "its perfect kitty" Chat slowly started planting a trail of kisses down her jawline. A soft moan escaped Marinette's lips making Chat smirk. He slid his way around her pulling her into his chest. Chat felt Marinette push her way up onto her tip toes and plant her lips on his neck, before he could ask question he felt Marinette start softly sucking. "I love you too kitty"

   She smirked before biting down on his neck and slowly sucking. "P-Princess what are you-"

   She slowly pulled away "Have fun explaining that to your parents and friends" Chat quickly felt his neck until he came to a sore spot. "I got to get to bed Chatton see you tomorrow night" she smirked.

   Chat put his arm out and snaked it around her waist "woah woah woah wait, you just gave me a hickey and then you leave like that" Marinette giggled before she felt Chat's lips smash onto hers.

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