• • Mental Help • •

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Chat came back that night to find Marinette curled up on her chaise. "Princess..." Marinette turned around and jumped into Chat's embrace. "Princess what happened"

She leaned in and pulled him closer "I don't want to do this anymore Chatton!" he could tell she was hurting but he didn't want to lose her, was he being selfish? No this was Marinette's life! She was only sixteen she had so much more ahead of her.

He started stroking her hair, "okay Princess. I'm here just talk to me okay." Marinette nodded.

Marinette nuzzled her head into the crook of Chat's neck. "I feel like nothing will make this go away, I mean I have a good house, nice parents, and a loving boyfriend"

Chat gently started stroking her hair. "And your loving boyfriend cares about you so much" A blush spread across Marinette's face, they had danced around the term and she didn't realize she had said it until he used the word himself.

   Marinette curled up into his embrace "Chat I don't want to do this anymore"

  Chat froze the memories from the dreams coming back to him, the blood, the razors, the notes, and he lifeless body. He let out a sigh "Princess, I- You mean so much to me and I understand you don't want to live and"

  Chat felt a warm hand cup his cheek, "I just want the pain to go away kitty" Chat knew that the other kids didn't bully her but they did ignore her. " I just want the girls to stop bullying me"

  Chat lifted her chin and kissed her forehead, "I should have done this a long time ago Princess, but I think we should send you to the Mental Health Hospital" Mari gripped onto Chat's arms.

She pulled him into a hug, "Chat please there has to be something else. I mean I'm fine, I haven't cut in awhile"

Chat shook his head and soothed her hair down with his gloved hand. "I know you've come a long way Princess" he really didn't want to send her away.

  "Please there has to be somewhere else Kitty" she let tears run down her cheeks, "I-I" she couldn't make out any sentences.

   She gently rested her head in his shoulder and heard him start to purr, she knew he wanted to keep her safe but he wanted to stay with her.

   He gently stroked her hair again "I'll visit you whenever I can" he didn't tell her that most of those would be him as Adrien, not that she would know it was him anyway. They were allowed visitors but not that often.

She didn't know what to do, she wanted to be able to see Chat every night. She wanted to curl up in his embrace and just lay there with him. She held her hand to his cheek and traced down to his shoulder, she froze halfway down remembering when she had given him a hickey.

He gently planted a kiss on her cheek, "Princess....." his voice trailed off. "If there was anything else I could do I would"

  The next day Chat headed to the building and check Marinette in, she was complaining the whole time about how much she didn't want to go here. "Chat please I'm fine" he planted a kiss on her cheek and left.


   It had been a week and nothing was really helping she had missed Chat and nothing else really made her happy. The doctors tried to cheer her up but nothing worked, "there is someone here to see you" Marinette's stomach churned, it could be anyone "Adrien Agreste"

  Marinette walked over to the cafeteria to see Adrien sitting there talking to some fans, "I think you just made there day" Marinette sat down at the seat across from Adrien. He smiled she seemed okay but something was off. "So how are you"

Marinette asked shuffling in her seat "I'm okay" Adrien replied smiling, "so how about you"

Marinette blushed a little she hadn't really seen Adrien in a while, it was mainly Chat who came to visit her once, which she was grateful for. "I'm okay I guess, Just missing a friend"

Adrien felt a little sick, he knew she meant Chat. "Well I'm sure you'll get out soon, your doing amazing Mari"

  After a few minutes of talking Adrien's bodyguard walked in to pick up Adrien. "Gotta go Mari, I'll try to visit again soon" she smiled and walked back to sit down where she had been before.

A/N: Okay I'm so sorry it took so long for this chapter to come out and I'm sorry its short but I really just wanted to get something out for you guys

Love ya

Stella Wolf out 💕

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