• • Stay the Night • •

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   Chat Noir gently stroked Marinette's hair. "Come on Princess lets get up" Chat braced Marinette's back and lifted her up, carrying her bridal style letting Marinette nuzzle her head into his chest.

Chat rested Marinette down on her chaise, "Chat don't leave me" she pulled his arm causing him to fall on top of her. "I don't want to lose you"

Chat rolled off her and rested next to her "you'll never lose me Princess". Marinette whimpered causing Chat to pull her close "Princess hey, look at me" he sat up and lifted her chin. "I'm never leaving and I won't let you die"

Chat went to get off her chaise and leave but Marinette grabbed onto his synthetic tail. "Kitty can you stay the night" Chat nodded and curled up onto the chaise with her and pulled her on top of his chest. She curled up and rested her head just below his shoulder. Chat gently started purring which seemed to slowly lull Marinette to sleep. As much as Chat knew he needed to leave he couldn't bring himself to leave Marinette.

Chat heard Marinette's phone ring, it was a call from an unknown number, He let curiosity kill the cat and he picked up. The first thing he heard was "Hey Mari this is Adrien, I just wanted to say that you really are just a stupid Brainless Bitch and I never wanna see you again"

  Chat felt his cheeks burn up "YOU KNOW YOU CAN LEAVE MARINETTE ALONE, I KNOW WHO THIS IS AND YOU KNOW WHAT FORGET I EVER AGREED TO BE YOUR FRIEND" Chat hung up the phone. He walked back to the chaise, Marinette started mumbling something. "It's okay Princess I'm here don't worry" he curled back up with her in his arms. "I'm never leaving you"

  What Chat didn't know was that Marinette had woken up when her phone rang and she heard everything Chat said. She forgot most of it when she woke up the next morning but still remembered Chat had picked up her phone. It was now Tuesday and Marinette was getting ready while Chat still slept on her chaise, she was almost ready all she needed now was to put on her shirt and jacket. She turned to get it and saw Chat waking up.

  Chats eyes widened at the girl in front of him, pink jeans, blue hair, blue eyes, tan shoes, and no shirt. He stood up and walked over wrapping his arms around her waist. "Morning princess" Chat said slowly kissing her neck.

  Marinette let out a small moan, "Chat I need to get ready" she lifted his chin up and kissed him on the lips, he pulled her closer moving his hands up to her shoulder blades deepening the kiss. "C-Chat I really need to-" he cut her off by moving his lips to her neck again slowly sucking. She let out another small moan and slowly ran her fingers up to his hair and clenched her fists behind his ears gathering his hair in her hands.

  Now it was Chats turn to whisper a moan "p-princess..." she trailed her lips down to his neck and slowly started to leave a hickey. "P-Princess" she only giggled and pushed away, grabbing her shirt and jacket. She decided it was best to also wear a scarf. She knew she would get an earful from Adrien if he saw she had a hickey. Especially if he though it was from some sort of rape abuse.

The last thing Marinette wanted was to go to school but she had too. She said goodbye to Chat and left with her bag in hand. "Hey bitch" Alya called, Marinette kept walking "bitch I'm talking to you" she grabbed Marinette's hand and yanked it back causing her to hit the concrete. She pushed herself up and started walking until Sabrina came up.

Marinette really didn't want to deal with any of this right now, she tried to side step out of the way which only earned her a black eye. And a hard shove into the wall, pain shot through her back and Sabrina landed another punch which caused he lip and nose to bleed. Marinette sat there not wanting to go into the school.

She fiddled in her bag until she found a small case she pulled it out and opened it, she pulled out a razor and slid it across her arm, once, twice, three times, four, just before she could slice her arm a fifth time she felt hands grab her arm. She looked up to see Adrien with tears pricking his eyes. "Marinette stop!" Adrien now had tears running down his face "please.... your the only real friend I have left" Marinette yanked her wrist away.

She didn't want to hear any of it "you can make new friends, why care about me!" Marinette stormed off leaving Adrien behind. She didn't stop the blood that was now trailing down her arm leaving drips on the concrete. She walked home and went through the side door,and ran upstairs. "No one cares Tikki" he little complain felt horrible, "Chat can't even be there for me at school what's the point!" Marinette ran outside and towards the Eiffel Tower.

She made it to the top and looked over the side, she gripped onto the railing and started to pull herself up before she felt arms wrap around her. "Princess please don't jump"

Faded Soul (Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang