3️⃣ Dont Touch The Cereal

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So it turns out I'm actually a pretty good waitress!
I got the hang of it pretty much right away and every single table I served asked where I was from.

Something about and Irish girl in America must've really tickled their fancy because my tips were outrageous, I made more than anyone else!

My shift ended at eight but everyone was still ran off their feet so I decided to stay back a minute.

I took a couple more orders and brought them to the kitchen.
I walked into the back where Mattia looked like he was having a meltdown.

"Oh hey buddy, I thought I smelled failure" I said, walking in with dirty dishes. (Guess that quote btw)
He looked at me with fury in his eyes.

He roughly grabbed the dishes from my hands and more or less threw them into the sink, one of the plates missed and broke onto the floor.

"Alright there Wreck It Ralph" I said.
"Can you stop talking? Your voice makes my ears ring" he snapped.

While Bruce Banner paced up and down the kitchen with his hand to his mouth,
I grabbed a dustpan and brush to clean up the broken plate.

Lorenzo walked into the kitchen, he had a towel over his shoulder and wore a dirty apron.

"Mattia" he said, but Mattia ignored him and continued to pace.
"Sorry, you've just walked in on Hulk having a tantrum" I said.
Lorenzo smiled, "ah, well if you can get through to him then tell him his friends are out front"
"Sure" I nodded.

After deciding there was no point in talking to Mattia again unless I wanted to be insulted, I walked to the front of the restaurant.

Out front stood Alejandro, Kairi and one other that I didn't recognise.
"Hey guys, Mattia's having a little bit of a bitch fit in the back right now, can I take a message?"

They looked at each other as if they knew what was going on.
"Um, just tell him we said not to panic" Kairi spoke up.
"And not to do anything stupid" the other chimed in.

"I'm Robert btw" he started,
He was tall, maybe even taller than Mattia.
"Lee" I smiled
"Ooooh, this is Lee?" His eyes lit up.
I looked at him but Ale nudged him with wide eyes.

"So do I wanna know what's going on with Mattia?" I asked, trying to change the subject.
"Oh yeah, someone leaked a photo of him" Kairi blurted.
"Dude!" The two shouted at him
"Sorry" he shrugged.

So Mattia's dumb enough to send nudes huh?
"Lemme guess, Amber spread his nudes around"
Ale laughed,
"Haha no, he sent something into our groupchat and one of the boys posted it on his story to be funny"

Now that's bad out.
"That's a dick move"
They all nodded in agreement.

"Okay well I better go, I'll tell him what you said"
We said goodbye and I turned to go back inside when Robert called after me;

I turned around
"Just....don't touch the cereal"
They all started laughing.
I nodded and went inside,

I walked back into the kitchen where Mattia was sitting on the counter, his knees across from his face and his head hanging low.
He had his arms crossed over his knees with his phone in hand.

He's Italian // Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now