5️⃣ A New Point Of View

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"You've got to be kidding me" he said.

"Oh for fuck sake" I silently cried.

"Late again Mr Polibio, take a seat next to
Our new team member" Mr Ròsa said.
Team member? I can confidently guarantee that only one person in this room is about to enjoy this class and it's the teacher.

Mattia dramatically strolled over and threw his bag on the table before sitting down on the stool next to me.

Mattia's POV

"What are you doing here?" I whispered angrily
"Not learning anyway" Lee answered, focussing on the board.

"Are you working tonight?"
"Yeah, until six" she said.
I huffed.
"What now?" she sighed
"You're everywhere"

My school, my job, my house, my mind....

She rolled her eyes, she did that a lot.

People had been watching her all day, watching us all day.
Whispers whenever she entered a room,
Girls like Amber would watch the way she carried herself, her clothes.

She didn't pack her face full of makeup but she did wear a little, you wouldn't notice unless you stared. The piercing in her nose suited her well, silver like the ones going up her ear.

Sometimes when she speaks, I have no idea what she's saying so I just say something mean.
I heard some kids in the cafeteria making fun of her accent, the usual lucky charms jokes. It bothered me, I can do that but not them.

She really pisses me off though. That first day in the restaurant when she bossed me around was only the beginning.

I don't like that my family like her so much. They know her less than a week and they already like her more than me.

My thoughts were interrupted by Mr Ròsa.
"Mattia" he clapped his hands, which snapped me out of my trance.

"Get on with your work, you can stare at Lee later"
Mother fucker.

I saw Lee turn bright red in the corner of my eye.
I couldn't think of anything to say in time before she did it for me.

"Don't worry sir, I'm not his type" she said.
His type?

"Oh yeah? And what would that be?" I asked, genuinely curious.
"Inflatable" she shrugged.

The entire class erupted with laughter.
Alright fine that was good.

She giggled to herself but all I could do was smile.

Lee's POV

I knew the joke would earn laughs from the class but I never thought I'd get a smile out of Mattia.

I'm pretty sure I even heard a little chuckle.

About twenty minutes after the class had settled down and we silently did our work, I was ready to lose it.

Mattia and I write similarly with our arms stretched out, which meant our elbows kept knocking off each other's.

He's Italian // Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now