1️⃣4️⃣ 5 More Minutes

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The drive home wasnt as exciting as the drive there.
Most of the lads had fallen asleep except for Pinto and I, so we played I spy.

My gratitude for having made friends so quickly was indescribable.
How lucky am I? A whole group of friends....and I actually get along with all of them!

I wasn't popular at home. Don't get me wrong I wasn't a loner or anything but I kept to myself and my group.
If I weren't with the two girls, I was with family and that's it.

Anyone with a big or close family would understand, you don't need to make friends when they're already related to you.

I missed them a lot, my family and friends. They boys had kind of been a distraction from the homesickness but you can never truly forget, nor get over it.

Sometimes I think about what it would be like if the boys came home with me. I'd bring them to my grandparents, make them work outside. The thought made me laugh.

Those Jersey boys? Manual labour? Who was I codding?! Imagine Kairi milking a cow, or Alejandro mucking out a stable... cant do it can you?!

I'd make Robert fetch the eggs and Pinto sheer the sheep.
Id take Mattia on a scenic route with the horses, it was my favourite part out of all of it.

I make myself sound like such a culchie, typical Irish. But I'm a Dublin kid, lived close to the city my entire life. We only saw the agricultural side at the weekends.

I dropped everyone off at Kairi's and we all left from there.
I walked with Ale and Mattia as the three of us lived relatively close to each other.

Before we'd split as a group, the guys had mentioned that they still hadn't seen my new house properly and more or less invited themselves to stay over that next weekend.
We'll see what Tara says.

Alejandro had kind of gotten over his weird mood and was back talking to me again.
We got to his house and said goodbye.
Mattia and I kept walking, we were closer to his place but he refused to let me walk the rest of the way, alone.

"That little thigh grab you did in the car earlier wasn't appreciated" he said as we walked.
"Don't initiate something you can't finish Polibio" I teased.
He grinned at me.

"So when am I gonna actually get to be alone in a room with you?" He asked
"Tomorrow after school?" I suggested
He shook his head,
"Soccer practice"

"How about Tuesday?"
"I'm working" I said
"We're both working Wednesday" he mentioned.
"Yeah, but I only see you for ten seconds at a time"
He nodded, Agreeing with me.

"Dinner with Donna and Matt" I said.

"There's a football game Friday night, I don't actually like the sport but the guys and I go for fun"
No. Way.
"An American high school football game? Count me in!" I cheered.

"It's the last game of the season" he said.
It was almost summer thank God, I couldn't wait.
Another part of me wasn't happy though.

I'd stay in the states until July where I'd spend the entire month back home in Dublin. I'd fly back to Jersey August 2nd.

The excitement of going home and seeing my family and friends was overbearing almost but I was a little worried that the guys would forget about me.

The would never, they couldn't...right?
I began to think about what Mattia had said about Italy, imagine.

Mam had been waiting up for me when I got home.
I filled her in on everyt- most things.
She was happy I had a good time and after some begging and persuading, agreed to let the guys stay over at the weekend.

He's Italian // Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now