7️⃣ Poker Face

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"MATTIA" Donna shouted from the front porch.

Mattia and I jumped away from each other.
"Hey Donna" he said with a weak smile.
"What are you guys doing out here?It's cold! Come inside" she waved for us to come over.

"Uh I would but my dad wants me home, I was just giving Lee her jacket back" he said and handed me the crumpled up jacket that I'd shoved in his chest.

I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows but he just shook his head as if to say 'don't worry about it'

"Alright fine, I'll let you go this time. You're coming over tomorrow night with your parents and little Gianluca though right?" Her Jersey accent was so thick, it constantly sounded like she was chewing.

"Mhm" he nodded and gave her a fake smile.
"Alright well you kids don't stay out there too long, it's gonna rain" she said.

Donna spoke with her hands, all of the Italians around here did, I'd noticed it in the restaurant when we'd gone that first night.
Irish people tended to do it too, I guess we all had that in common.

"I'll be in, in a sec" I reassured her.
She smiled widely and went back inside.

I let out a deep breath and hung my head back to look at the sky.
Stars were scarce, dotted around like they'ed been strategically placed in the dark sky.

I brought my head back down only to notice that Mattia was almost at the steps to his house.
"Where are you going?" I asked
"Home, the fuck does it look like" he said, scrunching his face like he did, all. The damn. Time.

I just gave a nod.
I looked down at my hands which still heald his coat.
"Hey your jac-"
He closed the door before I got words out.

I'd come inside and down to the basement where Ciara slept. I changed into my pyjamas and face planted into my pillow.
I'll shower in the morning.

Ciara shouted repeatedly as she jumped on the bed- scratch that, as she jumped on me.

"Piss off" I groaned into my pillow.
"Mam said you have to teach me how to skate today" the eight year old informed me.

"She said you can't say no"
I took this as an opportunity to groan loudly into my pillow as a way of releasing anger.

Teaching Ciara to skate ended up being pretty funny considering she couldn't get past balancing on the board.

While taking a break from laughing at my sister, I opened a snapchat from Kairi.

It showed himself and Mattia on Kairi's bed. Mattia sat on his phone while Kairi put on that funny girl voice he always does,

"Hey Lee, Mattia said he's excited to come over lat- mdbsjkd" Kairi's words were muffled by Mattia covering his hand over his mouth.

"Hey Lee, Mattia said he's excited to come over lat- mdbsjkd" Kairi's words were muffled by Mattia covering his hand over his mouth

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He's Italian // Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now