1️⃣7️⃣ Fini

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It'd been three weeks since Mattia had stopped replying.
At first I thought he was just busy you know? Airports and time difference, he was probably jet lagged.

Spending time with family he hadn't seen in forever had to take up some time.
But, then a week passed and nothing....two and not a sound.

That's when I started to get irritated.
When I'd FaceTimed the boys they said it was pretty much the same for them, except he'd called them the first week.

Kairi mentioned something about this Sicilian girl he'd known from childhood who he used to have a major crush on.

Ale tried to shut him up but it was no use, he'd said enough.
Alejandro would say Ive nothing to worry about, there must just be a mix up with our phones or something.

I tried forcing myself to believe that but of course my insecure ass couldn't stop thinking about this girl he was with.

I ended up going against my bad bitch rules and double texting him. But when I did that, I noticed my texts weren't going through....
Did this bitch block me?

Fed up with it now, I gave up trying and focussed on my time back home. We'd only one week left and I was enjoying it no matter what.

"Lee hun can you get your sister and come sit at the table please?" Mam asked while she folded the washing and I made a pot of tea.

"Okay" I replied and left the room to find my sister who was playing in her pink bedroom with mam's childhood dollhouse.

Once we'd returned to the kitchen, mam sat us down and poured her and myself a cup of tea. She looked as if something serious needed to be said. "Is everything okay? I asked.

"Yes everything's fine I just wanted to tell you something" she smiled.
"As you both know, we're flying back to the states tomorrow" she said, Ciara and I nodded.

"Well what if I told you we were actually flying out to see the Polibio's in Italy?!"

Ciara jumped out of her chair in excitement. I however stayed silent. Was I meant to be happy or angry?

Do I take it as an opportunity to confront Mattia or spend an entire week in awkward tension? It's not like I had much time to think about it.

That evening was nice, the whole family came around and we sat watching telly, eating chipper while grandad gave out about the news anchor he'd watched that morning.
"Always a scowl on here face that one" he'd say.

Those type of nights were my favourite, but unfortunately the time had come. We said our emotional goodbyes which were just as hard as the last time.

Dad brought us to the airport. I was not excited at all.
I cried....a lot.
It's hard leaving a parent for that long.

The flight was short, only a little over three hours.
Giacomo picked us up. He was really excited to see us.

"Wait until you see where we're going ladies, you'll fall in love" he grinned.

The drive was long, as where we were going was a remote town in Northern Italy, it wasn't near the airport.

Giacomo had Ciara and I brush up on our Italian since no body other than his immediate family spoke English.

We were nervous about that at first but once we'd remembered that we'd be surrounded by Polibio's all the time, it wasn't as bad.

Ciara's Italian had come on quite the stretch. She was always good at picking up languages though, only nine years old and she could already speak more Irish than I could...

He's Italian // Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now