1️⃣2️⃣ Bass Love

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"Y-you what?" I muttered.

"I want you, you know that" he said.
Funny way of showing it.

I didn't say anything, just sat there like an idiot.
What do I say? What he did was careless, I obviously didn't mean much to him.

"What's going on?"
Mattia and I both whipped our hands in the direction that the voice had come from.

We'd both snatched our hands away from each other too.
We didn't know if anything was going to happen between us, but if it did then we'd probably keep it a secret.

Not only would it make our social lives hell, but I think it would hurt Ale.

"We were just arguing over who has to walk back to the head cabin in the morning" I lied.
It'd been realised that if we wanted to stay a few days out here, we should get some supplies which were sold in the head cabin. Where was that you ask? Only all the way back to where the car was.

"Yeah, Lee lost" Mattia said.

"That's alright Lee, I'll go with you" Alejandro offered.

"You coming back to bed?" He asked, rubbing his eyes with his hand, he was exhausted.

"Yeah" I nodded.
"Two seconds"
Ale disappeared back into the tent and I turned back to Mattia.

"Back to bed?" He scoffed.
"We're sharing a tent, not saliva" I uttered and stood up.

"You don't wanna finish talking?" He asked, standing up too.
He dusted off his shorts.

"Do you know how to fish?" I asked.
"What?" He shook his head. My question seemed irrelevant.

"Do you know how to fish?" I repeated
"Yeah" he said hesitantly.
I nodded to his answer and walked away.

"The fuck was that?" He huffed, throwing his hands in the air and dropping them to his sides.

Crawling back into the tent I saw Alejandro fast asleep already.
Grabbing some warm clothes, and a marker to write on his hand.

'Gone fishing, don't worry :)'

I slowly zipped the tent back up from the outside and put the hoodie and bottoms on over the clothes I'd already been wearing.
Some fluffy socks, a beanie and a pair of old vans later and I was ready.

Mattia still stood where I'd left him. Staring out onto the moonlit water.
I ran down to him, grabbing his shoulders, startling him.

"Holy Fuck you scared me" he clutched his chest.
"Sorry" I giggled.
His frightened face disappeared when I did that and a giant smile took over.

"For?" He questioned.
"Fishing" I said in a duh tone.
"You really don't pay attention" I rolled my eyes and grabbed the fishing rods and bait box etc.

"You wanna go fishing now?" He asked
"You wanted to talk so why not get something done while we're talking?" I shrugged.
He also shrugged his shoulders and followed me.

I sat in the boat while Mattia finished pushing it into the lake, hopping in just in time.

He rowed in agreement that I'd row back.
We made it to the middle of the lake, it didn't take too long.
I switched on the battery lamp we'd brought and stood it on the cooler.

He's Italian // Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now