🔟 Fuck You

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I scrolled through a little more.
All of the fan accounts had posted the picture along with a TikTok of them all cuddled up.

How could I be so stupid?

Of course he lied to me, he's hated me since day one.

I watched the video a few more times, only making myself feel worse.
She was pretty too.

"Hey Robert, have you spoken to Mattia?" I asked, accidentally interrupting his conversation.

He shook his head, no.
I looked at Pinto, no.

My day was pretty much ruined now.
I wasn't paying attention in classes,
Moped around for a bit.

I stayed off my phone because social bash was all I could see, especially on TikTok since every body and their mother was there.

School ended eventually, as did the day.
"Hun, your father called and wants you to ring him" Mam said, walking into my new room.

I opened up my laptop which had been charging on the floor beside me.

"Hello Gorgeous!" My father's smile radiated off of him like seeing a heatwave on a hot summer's day.

"Hiya Dad"
"What's the matter?" His smile faded once he'd noticed my resting frown.

"Hmm? Oh nothing" I tried to fake smile my way passed it.
"Daughter, there's a difference between your resting bitch face and your sad face" he said.

"I'm just a bit homesick today that's all" I said.
He gave a tight lipped smile in understanding.
"I'm tired Dad" I could feel myself getting upset.

Jesus you are such a wuss

"We've just moved in to the new house and I'm not even that excited"
"School is so different here, it's weird. I work three days a week" I continued.

He nodded while listening intently.
"I've made some great friends thankfully, but also some not so great ones" I sighed.
"Any boys on the scene?" He teased.

"Nothing more than friends, for a LONG time" I emphasised.
"Oh, who do I need to fight?" He asked.
I smiled.

We talked for a long time, I cried because I missed him and my home. I got to see Tommy rambling around in the background, still the hyper golden Labrador that I'd left behind!

I texted my dad every day but getting to see his face and hear his voice was so much better.

I'd also spoken to Meg and Alice for a few minutes, who reminded me not to hate my entire life because of something a stupid boy did.

And they were right. What was I doing moping around all sad because a boy I barely knew was off doing him and having fun?

Two days had passed and I got a little nervous.
They come back to school today.

Kairi and Ale hadn't stopped talking to me, that's how I knew Mattia had just felt guilty.

Kairi and Ale hadn't stopped talking to me, that's how I knew Mattia had just felt guilty

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He's Italian // Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now