quarterback | luke

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it was friday night, after the football game and everyone was gone, leaving you and your friend but also crush, luke alone on the green field. luke was your schools quarterback, and a hell of a good one. however, he wasn't like other football players. luke was intelligent, he had straight A's in all his classes, he had the face of a greek god, the most prettiest honey blonde hair & eyes the color of the blue ocean and most surprisingly, he sung. that's how the two of you met, through choir class, the two of you grew close and now you were head over heels for the boy, just, you didn't think he felt the same. "did i do good?" luke asked, the two of you tossing a football across the field. his curls were pulled back in a bun, sweat visible in the lights above the two of you and his cheeks a bit pink from the cold autumn air. "of course you did. you always do." you chuckled, throwing the ball back. luke just rolled his eyes, huffing as he caught the football and threw it back. "i'm getting tired now, can we stop?" you chuckled, letting the football bounce before you picked it up and plopped yourself on the grass. luke smiled, laughing to himself as he jogged and sat down next to you. "i'm surprised you didn't go with your buddies to celebrate the game." you said softly, hugging yourself in your sweater to keep warm. "i rather hang out with you." luke said, a crooked smile spreading across his pink lips. you looked back at luke, butterflies fluttering in your stomach. "how come?" you asked, tilting your head slightly, biting the inside of your cheek. "because, you're not a jerk or wanna hang out with me just because im 'popular'. you actually want to hang out with me for me and for not what i am." he sighed, looking out in the field. luke scooted closer to you, pulling you into a hug making you giggle. "ew, you're still all sweaty." you groaned, feeling luke press a kiss to your head before pulling. "sorry," he awkwardly smiled, your faces close to the point your noses would brush against each other gently. "have i told you that you're really pretty?" luke asked softly, baby blue irises darting up and down between your eyes and lips. you couldn't help but smile really big, shaking your head. on the inside, you were literally screaming while you were trying to keep it cool on the outside. luke had never really acted the way he has before but you definitely weren't going to complain. you felt his hand touch your cheek, pulling your face closer to his till there wasn't a gap. luke's lips were so soft, more than you ever imagined and didn't want the feeling to end. eventually tho, the two of you pulled with big smiles.  luke quickly licked his lips before his teeth sunk into his bottom lip. "what?" you asked, smiling at him, your cheeks burning pink. "nothin'. just, your lips taste like something." luke smiled back, looking away out back at the field. feeling a spark of confidence, you grabbed lukes face, pulling him in for another kiss. this time, it was slower and not as gentle, your lips moving against his, making sure he got a taste before pulling to not let the boy get too much. "so?" you asked, giggling a little as he licked his lips again, tapping his chin as he thought. "tastes like.. hot chocolate?" he asked, smiling a little as you nodded. "i drank some during the game." luke nodded, still smiling before standing up, holding his hand out to help you up. "c'mon, let's go. i know you're parents will be pissed if you aren't home by ten." he snickered, throwing an arm around you as the two of you headed toward the parking lot.

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