the printer | calum

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calum was sitting across from you at the table, watching you carefully as he ate dinner. you were staring at your laptop, eyebrows furrowed and your eyes were so red and tired looking. for most of the day, and the last few before that, you had been constantly busy with school, freaking out over all the tests and papers that were beginning to pile up. at this point, calum was getting genuinely worried and has tried multiple times to have you take breaks or eat but you just wouldn't budge. "you alright, doll?" he asked softy, reaching over and lightly tapping your sweater covered wrist. "yes calum." you sighed, annoyance lacing your tone. you had been working on a huge essay that was due tomorrow and your grade heavily depended on the paper so it needed to basically be perfect. "are you hungry? i can make you something, or postmate anything you want, just you havent really aten-" "i'm fine. i need to focus on this okay?" you snapped, causing the boy to frown. calum never got mad over things, but he definitely was beginning to get frustrated with you. "how can you focus on your work if you aren't giving your body food? in order to process it, you need to eat somethin'" he replied back, picking up his now empty plate and going to the kitchen to clean it. you just ignored calum, continuing to type away on your laptop as he went to the bedroom, taking duke with him as he watched tv. while watching netflix, calum was beginning to fall asleep, but he quickly woke up when he heard you start yelling. getting up, he ran out the room, following the sound of your voice. eventually, he found you in the office, on the floor and crying. "what happened? are you okay?" he asked, getting on the floor, checking if you were hurt. "the fucking printer is broken calum." you sobbed, banging it before he pulled you away, one so you didnt break it but also it was pretty expensive. "i need to print my goddamn paper. its due tomorrow." you cried, your body was shaking and your skin pale. "i'll call ashton to see if we can use his okay? look at me baby, it's gonna be alright." he hushed, grabbing your face, looking straight at you in the eyes. with bloodshot eyes, you slowly nodded before calum pulled you in his arms, hugging you till you calmed down. "take deep breaths, like me." he said softly, breathing deeply and exhaling, you trying to copy calum and after a few tries, you were able to fully come down. "c-can we goto ashton's now? i need to print my stuff." you sniffled, rubbing your face with the sleeve of your hoodie. "yes, but promise me you'll eat something when we get back?" he asked, giving you a stern look. sighing, you nodded, calum smiling as he helped you up. the day after, once you left class, you and calum took a break of studying, resting and spending a day doing whatever you wanted to clear your mind before tackling on more with a more positive mindset.

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