halloween candy | calum

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it was the of halloween, and it just so happened that it was also that time of the month. a while back, you started a diet, cutting sugar and carbs to reach a goal weight you've wanted to reach for some time. but now that you were on your period and halloween was coming up, you were going to let yourself have a little cheat day. however, as you were looking for that bag of halloween candy you bought a while back for the kids in your apartment. "calum?" you called from the kitchen, looking through cabinets for any sign of the candy. "yeah?" calum yelled back, hearing him get up from the couch before walking into the same room you were in. "whats up?" "where did you put my candy?" you asked, turning around and looking at him with furrowed eyebrows. "what candy?" he asked, just as confused, leaning on his side against the arch of the kitchen, his arms folded across his chest. "you know, the bag i told you to hide from me earlier ago. where did you put it?" you frowned, walking up to calum, sticking out your bottom lip. "i dont know what you're talkin' about, y/n." he answered, the boy tensing just a bit. you knew calum was lying by the way his body spoke. he was pulling at his bottom lip, chewing it gently. "calum, please. i need some." you groaned, shaking him, groaning. "i would help you if i knew, babe, but i dont." he continued to say, sending you a frown before pressing a kiss to your forehead and walking back to the living room. "fine, i'm going to target to get my damn candy." you huffed, going to grab your keys and phone before heading to the door. "okay wait! theyre under your bed!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2019 ⏰

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