chemistry class | calum

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you walked into class, hugging tight your textbook to your chest as you walked to the desk, dreading chemistry class as per usual. once class had begun, your teacher announced you were doing another practice lab for your upcoming test. since she was the actual devil, she assigned lab partners, having you sit with calum hood. you didn't know much about him other than he probably knew as much chemistry as you did: nothing. it also probably didn't help you didn't show up to school the last two days. once she let everyone begin, you got up and headed to the lab table calum was sitting at, seeing the boy bite his nail. sitting across from him, calum put his head up, giving you a small smile. "do y'know how to do this?" he asked. you shook your head, chuckling nervously. "no not at all. i havent been here in two days." you sighed, flipping threw your text book, hoping to find information on something. calum stood there, patiently waiting for you to give him something to do. "okay, i think i know what we need to do." you said, showing him some info you found in the textbook. the two of you went over it before starting the lab, failing miserably still. as the two of you packing up before class ended, calum called you, his cheeks a little rosy. "i, um, i wanted to ask if you maybe wanted to goto starbucks and maybe study together? y'know, since we're both behind." he shyly asked, giving you a sweet smile. zipping up your bag, you pretended to think about it. "hm, maybe. i dont know, i'm kinda busy." you said, seeing calum get a little sad but tried to hide it. "oh.. okay, well-maybe next-" "im just kidding hood, meet me at my locker after school. its 1325." you chuckled, the bell ringing so you headed off to your next class.

writings & blurbs | VOL 2 | 5sosOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora