lil beech | calum

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calum was sprawled out across his side of the bed, a smile on his lips and eyes crinkled slightly as he looked back at you. "what?" you asked, hugging the sheet closer to your body. calum didn't say anything, instead, he leaned in pressing a peck to your lips. "tell me." you mumbled, your hand touching his soft, warm cheek, making him smile bigger. "nothing, you're just really pretty." he said softly, his hand moving to your hip, pulling you closer to him. you felt your heart beat a little faster at his comment, a small smile curling on your lips as well while you looked up at the boy. tonight was the first time ever you and calum had an intimate moment and it was amazing to say the least. "i'm tired." calum said quietly, pulling the sheet higher up his body like you, his chocolate eyes disappearing as he closed them, head sinking into the pillow. "its only eleven." you giggled, reaching over and grabbing his hand, threading your fingers between his. you pressed a kiss on his cheek bone and cheek, whispering for him to wake up. calum just simply groaned, eyes fluttering open again. "leave me alone, i'm an old man okay?" he pouted, sticking out his bottom lip. "cal, i need aftercare, stop being a little bitch." you joked, calum's eyes widening but laughing as he pulled you in his arms and kissed you softly. "i'm a little bitch, hm?" he chuckled, pulling just a little to look up. "yeah but you're my little bitch." you smiled, arms wrapping around his neck. snuggling his face in your neck, he pressed a few kisses on your skin making you squeeze your eyes closed as you giggled, the two of you tangled in each other the rest of the night.

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