pluto projector | calum

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you were having a bad day and all you wanted was to be with calum. however, he was away on tour so you had to comfort yourself. laying on his side of the bed, hugging his pillow you began to cry, letting out all the pain that has been building up inside of you all day, tears falling onto his pillow, your arms squeezing the pillow, trying to imagine it was calum. as tears continued to spill from your eyes, you remembered something. sitting up from your bed, you unlocked your phone, opening voice memos and clicking on the one titled plutoprojector.mp3. you could hear calum mumbling to himself before he cleared his throat. "this is called, pluto projector. i wrote this entirely about you and its only for you. no one knows about this song except you and me because its only for your ears whenever you need to hear these words." just the sound of his voice made you cry more, your hand covering your mouth to quiet your sobs as you heard the sound of fingers plucking an electric guitar before calums voice. "I can show you everything, yeah And we're on our way to glory Where the show won't ever end And the encore lasts forever And it's time we're due to spend." your frown began to curl upward at the sound of his soft voice, any memories that stuck in your mind flashing behind you eyes while focusing on his words. you thought about the night calum had to leave, hugging him in bed before he had to leave. the thought of warmth that radiated off of him; his raspy voice; his bright blue hair because he had just gotten it freshly dyed right before tour; his calloused fingers from so many hours of rehearsals before they left and the way his chap lips felt against yours. "You could blast me and my secrets
Because there's probably just no need" he finally sang, the sound of his voice fading and the sound of chords stopping. "i love you darling." was the last thing he said before the voice memo ended. your cheeks were dry now, sniffling your nose as you stared at your phone for a few seconds before opening your phone to text him out a message.

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