twenty-four hour walmart | calum

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after watching the video of the boys going to walmart, you know calum would be a handful when it comes to going to the store. calum was bored and he wanted to just go out even tho it was almost midnight. he'd just be like "lets go grocery shopping" and you're like "huh, cal, it's literally almost twelve." but the two of you went anyways, going to one of those 24hr walmarts. it was really empty and quiet in the whole store so it just made calum wanna be more mischievous than he already is. "c'mon babe, we need cereal." you would sigh, calum already beginning to wander and you just entered the store. when you look down, you see his vans weren't even tied, making you groan. "calum tie your laces for fucks sake, you're gonna trip." calum finally looked back at you with raised eyebrows before he looked down at his shoes. "oh." was all he'd say before tying then and following you to the cereal aisle. he'd help you get things before he'd get distracted with something else, like seeing the cheese balls and is like "we should get these." and just throws it in the basket. basically you'd walk the entire walmart, calum asking questions about certain american things he's never heard off and will make comments like "y'all are fucking weird" or "interesting". also, sometimes he'd drop stuff and not even pick it up. "calum, pick it up." you'd whisper scream, the boy whining as he walks back to put it back. "god i dont even wanna know how you were with your mother." you'd laugh. by the time the two of you finish actually shopping for what you need its one thirty in the morning and the two of you are are ready to goto sleep after your walmart adventure.

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