iced coffee | calum

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barista!calum working the cash register today, surprising you because hes normally the guy that makes your drink and calls it. "what can i get for you today, y/n? chai tea? iced coffee? latte?" he smiled, remembering the drinks you frequently ordered whenever you came. "iced coffee today." you giggled, pulling out your wallet to grab your money. "anything else with that iced coffee?" he asked, tapping the screen placing your order. "nope that's it for today." you said, sending him a shy smile. "kinda sad you aren't making my drink today. you always make them the best." calum couldn't help but be taken back a little at your compliment, making him smile big, his cheeks looking so squishy. "hopefully tomorrow im back making drinks. i enjoy making them for my favorite customer." he flirted back, the two of you a giggly mess as he told you the amount and you handed him the money. when he grabbed your receipt, he got a pen, scribbling on the back of it before giving you the small paper and your change. "here's your change. have a great day, love." he winked as you got your money and walked off to wait for your order.

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