Meanwhile Downtown

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Milla stood at her window with a lit Pertha Filter between her fingers. She sighed as she let out a cloud of smoke and said, "Oh, Sweet Lurline, I do hope Boq is alright. That twister looks so dangerous. And it looks like there's a storm a-brewing too."

"Fuck Boq," Avaric said, emerging from the shadows. "Come back to bed, Milla dearie. Don't you worry about that stupid little Munchkin husband of yours."

"But he is my husband, Av. I can't help worrying about him."

"As if he is worried about you. Come back to bed, okay?"

"Alright, Av," Milla sighed. "But this has to be the last time."

"Yeah, sure," Avaric whined. "Just like last time was the last time! If you don't like what we're doing here, there's the door!"

Milla stubbed her cigarette and draped her arms over Avaric's shoulder, planting a passionate, deep kiss on his lips. Avaric gently pulled her close and they went into the bedroom, to enjoy some really steamy sex and to vent out their frustration and anger.
Glinda hurriedly bundled herself into her fluffy pink raincoat as she ran out of the café. 

"Uh, cherry on top of an already perfect day," she grumbled to herself, before noticing Shenshen standing under the awning. She called out, "Hey, Shen, need a lift?"

"In you stupid car? I'd rather not crash and die, but thanks," Shenshen said as she dialled someone's number on her phone.

Some time after Glinda left, a young Vinkun male approached Shenshen and said, "Hey babe. I don't care what Father says. I love you, and I'm here to protect you. Make me yours."

"Oh, Manek, you bantam, I'm always yours," Shenshen squeaked as Manek kissed her on the lips. She dragged him into a cozier spot as the two of them made out in the midst of the raging storm.
Nor looked around. There was smoke everywhere. It seemed like the worst place to take shelter. Smoke had always bothered her- that was how Elphaba had persuaded her father to stop smoking.

For her, Elphaba was more than just a babysitter- she was more of an honorary aunt, and honestly, Nor would have given anything just to hear Elphaba's sarcastic remarks at that point. To her, it felt like home.

Her brothers (specifically Manek) had always thought Elphaba was too mean, too cranky, maybe even controlling, but Nor didn't mind all that. Elphaba had once confessed that she had never liked children and that they made her uncomfortable, but Nor felt like she sort of understood why.

"Come on, Nor, take a hit!" a boy said as he offered her a drag. These were all Gil's old friends, but it somehow bothered her. Nor said apprehensively, "Um, I don't think I oughtta..."

"Look, she doesn't have to do it if she doesn't want to, okay?" Gil came to her defence.

"Gil, you know that's not how it works. You're either in the Smoke Club or you're out," the boy whined.

"Well, then, maybe we're out. Come on, sweetie. These guys are assholes anyway," Gil said, leading Nor out as she glared at her old friends.
Nessarose Thropp turned on the news, and the first thing she saw was the storm that had hit the Emerald City. The first thing that came to her mind was her (half-) sister. And so she texted Elphaba (through Nanny, of course).

Hey, Fabala

Pat came the reply,

Yes, Nessie?

Where are you?

Holed up. In my office. Don't worry, I'm perfectly safe. Don't you leave home.

Okay. Love you, sis.

Love you too.

Nessarose was buoyed by the assurance of her sister's safety. Even if they didn't stay together anymore and were both important in the governance of Oz (she was the Eminent Thropp, after all), and even if they were at loggerheads about things most of her time, Nessarose still loved her elder sister and didn't want her to be in danger.
Doctor Dillamond watched the news from inside his "fortress". He had made the place his home for twenty years or so, ever since he stopped teaching. He smiled and whispered, apparently addressing his speaker assistant, "Yes, mini-Ozma. The time has come. The moment I've prophesied for the past twenty-seven years. The Clock of the Time Dragon has awakened, and soon Oz will no longer remain in its current state. Well, come on you bastard. I'm ready for you! I've been waiting in the wings. The stage is set. It's Showtime!"

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