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Glinda paced the hallway of the huge house she had been living in for the past clue of months or so. Mockbeggar Hall, it was called, if she recalled the name right. A flying Monkey flew in and stuttered, "M-miss Glinda?"

"Oh... You're Chistery, aren't you?How do you know my name?" Glinda asked. She recalled seeing the primate around the house, and had heard the other soldiers use that name for it.

"M-miss Elphaba," the Monkey said, simply. That made Glinda burst out crying. She had hardly known Elphaba for long, and yet, she had felt a deeper attachment for the green girl than anyone else. And she had been the only person to see Glinda as more than just a barista or a pretty blonde. Just her name was enough to make Glinda cry.

Glinda broke down completely when Chistery handed her a green crystal bottle. She knew it had been Elphaba's, and it was probably the last reminder of her love that she had left.

"Miss Candle, I'm sorry for your loss," a military commander said, emerging from one of the inner rooms.

"Oh...I...I'm fine, thanks. And my name's Glinda," Glinda said, quickly composing herself.

"Oh, look, and Chistery is alive. We didn't expect that. And I said that name on purpose. I'll explain later. I am Commander Traper Cherrystone, by the way," he smiled.

"Um...can I call you Traper?" Glinda asked.

"I'd rather you didn't do that, Miss Candle," Commander Cherrystone sighed.

"What happened to Elphie?" Glinda asked, her voice trembling ever so slightly.

"She was melted by a bucket of water thrown by the Dorothy girl. But she didn't die before destroying all the aliens. She was braver than one would expect. I hear she died screaming your name. It was rather gruesome. And dramatic," Cherrystone smiled slightly.

"Oh Elphie," Glinda choked out, sobbing slightly, hugging Chistery.

"Oh, and one more thing, Miss Candle. We are placing you under Witness Protection. So you will have to go into hiding in Colwen Grounds. Under a fake name. From now on, you'll be known as Candle Osqa'ami. Obviously Quadling, I know, but we can't have anyone connecting you to the Glinda Arduenna-Upland who supposedly perished in the Emerald City tragedy," Cherrystone explained. "You will by escorted to Colwen Grounds by a Miss Sophelia Skarr."

"I don't know any such person," Glinda said, narrowing her eyes.

"That's funny. Our records suggest that you two were the best of friends. People would say that it had become something more," Cherrystone smiled.

"Hey, Glin," Glinda heard a woman say. She turned around and saw a woman in the shadows, clothed in dark skirts, a wide-brimmed pointed hat shadowing her face and her hands covered by gloves. But there was something eerily familiar about her. Even before the woman stepped out of the shadows, Glinda knew- or thought she knew- who it was.

"You wicked thing," Glinda whispered, "You've come at last."

"I know, my sweet. I've taken too long. But I'm here now," she smiled, extending her arms before singing gently but strongly, "Come my darling, homeward bound..."

Glinda knew the voice. All her doubts fled. She could barely hold back her joy as she ran into her lover's arms.

The moment Glinda melted into the warm hug, she realised that, no, she wasn't dreaming. This was real. It really and truly was Elphie. Her Elphie. For the woman had the smell she associated with Elphie- lavender and wet earth, mixed in with a hint of fresh air, and something else Glinda had never been able to pinpoint. As she sobbed into Elphaba's shoulders, Elphaba sang softly, "You are the one I've been waiting for..."

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