Not Your Seed

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"Fae, I really don't know if we can do this," Fiyero said anxiously. "If Doctor Dillamond is right, Nor is one of them already-"

"Yero, look. She's still your daughter, okay? Even if the world has changed," Elphaba interrupted, trying to comfort him.

"Changed how? Avaric's still a fucking creep, Glinda is still a crabby, sarcastic blonde, Doctor Dillamond is still a mad scientist, and you still hate musicals."

"Yero, sweetheart, it's not like that anymore. The world doesn't have so many types of people anymore. Right now, there are only those who are alive, and those who are fucking dead. And Nor will be as good as the second one if we don't get there faster," Elphaba noted.

"You're right. Do what you have to," Fiyero nodded. Elphaba grinned and pressed the accelerator. She was probably breaking every single speed limit in existence, but at that moment, she only cared about Nor.

Elphaba slammed the brakes, and the car stopped just shy of the boundary wall of the school. As she opened the back door and handed over the rifle to Fiyero, he panted, "Ozdamn it, Fae, you'd definitely win a road race with speeds like that."

"I know," Elphaba smirked as she hoisted herself up and climbed to the top of the wall. Fiyero tossed the gun to her and followed her lead. Soon, they were inside school grounds. As they skirted over to the back, Elphaba pointed upwards. One window was open. Fiyero noticed and nodded. Elphaba slung the rifle over her shoulder and climbed up, with Fiyero hot on her heels.

"Nor! Sweetheart, where are you?" Fiyero called out frantically as the two of them roamed around inside the school.

"Shh, Yero, be quiet, okay? I know we have to find Nor, but this whole school could be crawling with those...those things. If we keep calling out, they'll find us. And kill us. Then who'll save Nor?" Elphaba whispered.

"Right. Sorry, Fae," Fiyero apologised. "It's just...right now, she's all I have. Without her, what do I have left to live for?"

"I understand, Yero. Just...just come with me," Elphaba replied.

"You know, Fae, she's a darn good kid. She's smart, and raised her better than Sarima or I ever could. She takes after you in many ways, even if she isn't really your child. And I respect her choices. But, if I have to be honest, I don't like Gil," Fiyero whispered.

"I don't exactly like that girl either," Elphaba nodded.

"Yeah. I just...I just think Nor can do better, you know. This morning, the knucklehead that I am, I asked her why she couldn't date someone else, like Scarly Jellana or someone more serious, and she just shut me off saying that Scarly Jellana is a nerdy prude who only cares about sucking up to other people," Fiyero sighed.

"She's right. I've met Scarly a couple times, and she's always tried to praise me to the skies and stuff. Which wasn't cool at all," Elphaba replied.

"Yeah, but I ended up defending that girl, of all people, in front of Nor. And she thought I wanted that girl as my daughter. And you know what, I think that fight is the reason why my daughter is stuck here now. It's all my fault," Fiyero sighed.

"It's okay, Yero. This is not your fault," Elphaba tried to console him.

"But yes, it is!"

Elphaba turned around to see Nor at the door, with a scary smile on her face and a blank look in her eyes.

"Nor?" Fiyero whispered.

"Yes, my dear father," Nor sneered. "This is all your fault. That's the last thing that went through my mind before they broke down that door. You never thought about me, did you? For you, it was always either your work or her. You love her more than you love me."

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