Oz Is Great Again

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"Come on, Glin, Avaric, there's a rescue craft touching down at the Eastern Gate of the City. We have to get there before midnight. We barely have ten minutes, which means we have to scoot," Elphaba said, panting slightly.

"Wait, Elphaba, I...I have to say something," Avaric said. "Today has, well, broken me. I'm sorry for how I acted earlier. With Fiyero, and with you. Hell, I even wanted to abandon Locasta back there-"

"It's Glinda," Glinda pointed out.

"Gesundheit," Avaric muttered, before continuing, "And Elphaba, I wish I could be brave. Like you-"

"Okay, okay, but we really have to go," Elphaba began, but Avaric cut her off, saying, "And you two are welcome to abuse me however you want. For I've realised that, all this while, I've been nothing but a grade-A asshole. But I swear I'm gonna be a better person today,because I've realised that caring for those you love is more important than anything else-"

All at once, a singing alien rushed in and grabbed Elphaba from behind. Avaric grabbed the handgun from Elphaba's pocket and ran off. Glinda screamed, "Come back here, you bloody coward!"

"I only said I'd be a better person. I'm still not a good person!" Avaric shouted back. Glinda let out an exasperated growl as she followed Elphaba.

As Avaric ran, he spotted an army squad and shouted, "Hey, over here! I'm the only one that survived! Take me! Man, you're such a sight for sore eyes. You know, I am a patriotic Ozian, and I bleed purple, red, green, yellow and-"

Trism came up behind Avaric and shot him. He sneered and rapped,

"I don't know what you've been told
But Ozians should fit a mold
There's a war to be fought in this country
Against those that are far too bold

Two party system
Left and right
There's only room for right and wrong
It's me or you or you or me
The loudest become the strong
Yeah, we're great again

You can't run
'cause our borders are closed
You're staring down the gun
'Cause you're easily disposed
The final solution
It's a charted course at the whim of our own evolution!
Singularity had through a pre-destined self-destruction!
So that we may rebuild and experience a new construction!
Yeah, we're great again

We're great again
No answers
To be found
We're great again
No answers
To be found"

Avaric found himself dancing and singing in chorus with the military men. And the next thing he knew, he was one of them.

Elphaba heard the singing. She grabbed Glinda's hand and went back in. She gasped, "Oh no, they've got Avaric and Trism too!"

"Who?" Glinda asked.

"He was a Minor Menacier in the army. And a good man. He saved my life, and yours, indirectly," Elphaba whispered.

"Sir, it's Elphaba!" Avaric announced, pointing.

"Oh no. Glinda, we have to run!" Elphaba screamed, gripping Glinda's hand and rushing out.

There were more singing guards at the Eastern Gate. But Elphaba somehow managed to scatter them with a magical explosion as the rescue craft landed.

They got into the craft. The pilot was a woman. Or a girl, it was hard to tell. Glinda panted, "Thank you. You really saved us."

There was no reply as the craft took off. Glinda stood and announced, "Yes, I thought I was gonna die in the Emerald City. Turns out, I finally won't! Fuck the City! And all its fake pomp and pretence! Hello to a better, realer life! And to real people!"

"You know, Glinda, I don't exactly believe in the concept of real or realer people," Elphaba chuckled.

Suddenly, they heard someone sing," Hey Mr. Business, how do you do? Can we get a triple for you?"

Glinda gasped in shock, "Shenshen? Is that you?"

Indeed, it was Glinda's former colleague. She turned around, a gun in her hand. Glinda screamed, and the next thing they knew, they were falling through the sky.

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