In Safe Hands

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"Sweet Oz! Avaric, what did you do? Oh Boq, my precious I'm so sorry," Milla sobbed, kneeling down beside Boq's body. "We'll get you to a hospital, I promise-"

"Milla, look," Glinda said, gently patting Milla's shoulder. "We can't go to the hospital. They've got all of downtown."

"But where can we go? His brains are falling out, look," Milla sobbed, pointing at Boq.

"Milla, you idiot, those aren't his brains. They're blue," Avaric pointed out.

"How do you know? You're not a doctor?" Milla glared at Avaric.

"Look, Milla, he's right. Boq wasn't himself. The only thing we can do is take him someplace for some sort of remedy. And the hospital is out of question. Now can someone decide something before I have to go and bathe? I don't really thing I want to stand around agreeing with Avaric anymore," Elphaba explained, muttering the last part under her breath.

"Wait, Fae, I thought water was mortally painful to you," Fiyero gasped.

"It's just an expression. Agreeing with Avaric in anything makes me feel like killing myself anyway," Elphaba muttered.

"Uh, I know somewhere we can go," Glinda volunteered. "You see, Doctor Nikidik, my Life Sciences professor back at Shiz, once told our class about one Doctor Dillamond. An old Goat, foremost in his field-"

"And he has a doctorate, so he'll know what to do. Plus, we'll be safe at his place. He was my teacher back in college and I was his favourite student. I just helped him out with his research and stuff. He's got a safehouse just outside of Goldhaven district. He's got a lab, and security, and his place is sort of like a panic room. He believes in an impending apocalypse, you see. He's a bit off in his head, but he's a really nice guy. And he'll listen to me. Follow me," Elphaba added as she turned on her heel and strode off, with the rest of the group following her.

"Wait, an apocalypse?" Milla asked, panicking. "Maybe we should go to the Lurlinist chapel."

"Look, Milla, we're all of different denominations here. I'm a Unionist, Elphaba is an atheist, Fiyero is into whatever tribal religion they have out in the Vinkus, AND I'M DEFINITELY NOT DYING IN YOUR DIRTY-ASS LURLINIST CHAPEL," Avaric grumbled.

"Avaric, since when are you so religious? I swear, if you go on like this, you could give Nessie a run for her money," Elphaba deadpanned. "Come on Milla. The best thing for us now would be to get to Doctor Dillamond. Let's take the squad car. I'll drive."

Elphaba rang the doorbell to Doctor Dillamond's house. They heard a shout from inside, "Who is it?"

"Doctor Dillamond?" Elphaba asked.

"Don't lie to me. I am Doctor Dillamond," Doctor Dillamond answered from behind the door.

"Um, no, Doctor, it's me. Elphaba. Your former student and research assistant from Crage Hall. I'm here with some of my friends, and....we need your help. The whole City has gone crazy, our borders are sealed and I've no idea where else to go," Elphaba answered.

"Then you've come to the right place. Hold on. Ozma, open the gates!" Doctor Dillamond ordered his little speaker.

As the gates opened, Elphaba and her friends rushed in. Elphaba panted, "Oh, Doctor Dillamond, thank you so much. These are Glinda, Avaric, Fiyero, Milla, this might sound crazy, but everyone-"

"Singing, like in a musical? And once they get you, you're a part of it. There's no escaping. Why, this is the exact situation I theorised twenty years ago," Doctor Dillamond smiled gleefully.

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