Save And Be Saved

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"Sweet Oz," Elphaba groaned as she came round.

"Er... sorry for that, Miss Elphaba. You can never be too careful. Oh, and the name's Trism. Trism bon Cavalish, Minor Menacier in the Gale Force, resident dragon tamer and leader of the anti-apotheosis unit," the soldier winked.

"The anti-apotheosis unit? So that's the AU Oscar-  the Wizard, I mean- was always referring to? The unit with the unenviable task of cleaning up messes of a certain nature?" Elphaba asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Yes, the very same. But how do you know?" Trism countered.

"Well...I am his daughter. As well as his right hand girl. Did you know Fiyero?" Elphaba smirked.

"Fiyero Tigelaar, Crown Prince of the Arjikis and the Captain of the Guard. Of course I know him. I trained under him before I was transferred," Trism explained. "How would you know him? Were you two a thing?"

"Why does everyone automatically assume that Fiyero and I were dating?" Elphaba groaned. "We were just platonic best friends. Besides, I am in love with someone else and she's in immediate danger of assimilation for all I know."

"Wait, she?" Trism questioned.

"Now don't you go all narrow-minded on me. Yes, I'm in love with a woman. A Gillikinese university student living in the City. She goes by the name of Glinda Arduenna-Upland," Elphaba sighed.

"No worries. I am just not used to people coming out about their orientation in public like this. I've had to hide my love for a soldier named Liir Ko for years now. It honestly gives me relief to know that the second-highest government official in all of Oz is in the same boat as I am," Trism smiled. "You know, frankly, our guards made a clean sweep.of the City and they reported that the entire population was assimilated. No survivors. So, quite frankly, we are quite shocked to find a survivor such as yourself. And also shocked to know that there are more-"

"So, you're just gonna kill me?"

"Two in the head, one in the heart. Just like how you killed that zombie girl. But, in my experience, human laws don't matter anymore. What matters more is the universal truth of love and faith and the strength of the human heart. And you seem to have that strength in spades. And so, I'm going to bend the rules for you. Go get the girl you love, and reach the Eastern Gate of the City before midnight. You will find a rescue craft waiting for you. And watch out for a fish-faced Gillikin sorceress, a little girl in blue gingham and pigtails, and a little mongrel dog. If you see any of them, kill them on sight. Here, take my watch. And I hope your relationship with Miss Glinda turns into something more," Trism said, whipping out his gun.

"I hope so. I...I want there to be. If it is possible. Oh, and thanks for...for saving me," Elphaba sighed wistfully.

"Don't thank me until and unless we're in Munchkinland sharin' a cup of coffee," Trism winked. "D'ya like coffee, Miss Elphaba?"

"Yes," Elphaba said.

"Do you like musicals?" Trism asked.

"No, sir!" Elphaba said with conviction, and was surprised as Trism shoved the gun into her hand.

"Now that's a true All-Ozian girl. I hereby authorize you to use my firearm. Go get your girl and save your asses," Trism said as he sauntered out.

"Oh, I most assuredly will," Elphaba smirked evilly. "I'll get you, my pretty! I'll get you, and your mangy little dog too!"

And she broke into an unhinged, high-pitched, evil, maniacal laugh, exactly like a Wicked Witch's cackle, before taking a determined breath and marching out.
Meanwhile, in Doctor Dillamond's lab...

"Remarkable, Miss Glinda! Simply remarkable!" Doctor Dillamond bleated as he looked into his microscope.

"Excuse me, Doctor, but what's remarkable?" Glinda asked, curious.

"This blue shit, what else? Tell me, Miss Glinda, how do you explain their synchronization?" Doctor Dillamond asked.

" must be the hive mind thing Elphie mentioned earlier? Like they're all individual bodies, but functioning as appendages connected to one single brain?" Glinda replied doubtfully.

"Yes, Miss Glinda. But where is that brain?"

"The crashed house, probably? Or maybe that Dorothy girl herself? You know, professor, destroying the source seems to be the only way out. Especially since we've somewhat mapped the start of this alien virus outbreak," Glinda mused.

"Yes, Miss Glinda. I have heard reports of a girl in blue, and her little dog too, captivating innocent citizens with her naiveté. Which makes your theory a rather sound one. Which is why it must never leave this house. And with Miss Elphaba gone, there's nothing stopping me."

"Wha-what are you doing?" Glinda asked, panicking as Doctor Dillamond took out the syringe she had seen earlier.

"No fear, my dear girl. This is just a harmless sedative. I only need you to be out cold until my next experiment," Doctor Dillamond explained with a benevolent grin.

But before Glinda could ask what the experiment was, she felt herself going light-headed. She could think no more, and the world had blurred out of focus...

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