Just Let It Out

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"Glinda? Ozdamn it, Glinda, answer me!" Elphaba screamed in anguish as she hugged the blonde's unconscious body.

"Elphie, relax! I'm right here," Glinda replied groggily, as she opened her eyes.

"Oh, Glinda, thank...thank whoever, whatever, thank nothing, but atleast you're still alive! I...I thought you were-"

"It's okay, love, I'm right here. Though my leg kind of hurts," Glinda reassured her.

"Is it really bad?" Elphaba asked.

"I don't know. You take a look," Glinda winced.

"Yeah, it is bad. Hold on a second. I think I can heal it somewhat, just don't move," Elphaba remarked, putting her hand in the wound and doing a quick spell. The bleeding stopped. Glinda smiled weakly, "Well, it does hurt a lot less now."

"I know. We need to leave, get on a boat or something-"

"Forget it. I...I don't think I'll be able to make it," Glinda whispered.

"But they'll find us!" Elphaba said.

"Then you gotta fucking kill them before they do," Glinda hissed. "Destroy the house. Try finding that girl in blue. Do whatever you have to. It's like that hive mind thing you mentioned earlier- you were right."

"Yeah, but-"

"Just go, you idiot artichoke!"

"Okay, okay, I'll get rid of that Dorothy kid. And the house. I guess some skywriting is in order," Elphaba smirked. "Besides, if I can get Morrible in the process-"

"What does she have to do with this?"

"She specialized in weather magic. And that twister positively reeks of her influence. And I know she'll do absolutely anything to prove that I'm not fit to rule Oz. Including posing an unsolvable problem like this."

"But you'll do it, won't you?"

"I'll try my best."

"I believe in you, Elphie. More than anyone, or anything."

"Oh Glinda..."

"I love you, Elphie."

"I love you too, Glinda."

And she kissed Glinda's cheek. Glinda cupped Elphaba's face in her hand and kissed her on the lips before whispering, "Elphie, if they get you, they'll make you sing and dance and-"

"Shh, my sweet. There comes a time when every man- or woman- has to draw a line in the sand. And I...I will never be in a fucking musical," Elphaba whispered back determinedly.

"Elphie... I...I just wanted you to know that...I know why you came to the Emerald Rose all those times. And it wasn't because you liked our coffee. It wasn't even that good, and we didn't care, and sometimes we used to spit in it...you might've drunk my spit, but I didn't know you back then, and...um...if we get through this, Elphie, I would like to see a nice, silent movie with you. And in case we don't...
Ozspeed, my love," Glinda whispered back. "We're in this together, even if I can't be there physically."

"Yes, I know. Hold out, if you can. Hold out, my sweet," Elphaba said softly, kissing Glinda again before standing up and turning away. Not to hide her tears, but to soften their absence. She couldn't bear to see the tears in Glinda's eyes.
Elphaba walked towards the town square. She slowed down and said, "Yes that's it. That's the house. All I gotta do is blow it up, and everything will be fine again."

"We've been waiting for you, Miss Elphaba," Oscar sing-songed as he stepped towards her.

"No, Oscar, please...stand back," Elphaba warned.

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