Part ten: Blacksmith and a new meeting

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Witcher OST.

Welcome again :). Here is another chapter, things with the main pairing will come soon, don't worry. I like having fleshed out characters so it feels like a the mc isn't just randomly floating. Things are more meaningful that way.

Thank you so much for reading! Let me know what you think via vote or comment :)

Part ten:

At least polishing metal was a more fun job than enduring drunk patrons or cleaning the lavatory, so I returned the next day. Dinner was the same as the day before: the blacksmith stayed silent and only grunted when appropriate while his wife chatted happily with me. Halfway during our meal, a knock sounded at the door. It was, of course, the young men the woman wanted me to meet. We shook hands firmly.

"This here is Victor, he's just got back from his trip to Novigrad."

Victor wore armour and a sword at his side. His face was unreadable for me, he had sharp features and wild, black hair.

I nodded at him. "I'm Annabel, nice to meet you. How is Novigrad these days, any news?"

And so we made small talk. I could feel his intense grey eyes observing me. After dinner, Victor proposed a walk and I agreed.

"So she's setting us up." I said, kicking a pebble in front of my feet, just to break the silence. We walked the path leading out of the city gates, fresh wind blew over the water and the trees in the distance rustled.

"I guess so. How come you're not wedded? How old are you?"

"How terribly forward of you." I said, faking bitterness. "I'm twenty-four, and you?"

He made a sound. "I know why I'm not wedded, at my twenty-five years of age, but now I'm more curious to your reason."

"If you really must know, I've been cursed to never find my one true love." I showed him the mark. He didn't seem impressed.

"That doesn't mean you can't find love at all. Only your true love, but that is hardly the only love there is. And love is hardly the only reason for marriage." He looked at me, his gaze alone made my heart skip a beat. There was something strange about him. He was the first to point that out. It fit him, this sharpness.

"That's a refreshing observation." I remarked. "I may have underestimated you. And why are you not wedded then?"

He scoffed. "I desire a strong woman. One who will love me for who I am, not for the sword I hold or the riches I acquire. Neither will I have a woman submit to me, I want her to be free to love me as she desires. I am worthy of something real, of real feelings beyond some contract for convenience." His confidence was astounding, his gaze still cold. In my surprise, I stopped walking. He walked to the side of the bridge and gazed out over the river. The moon was low over the tree line, only a sliver, but it was a cloudless night and many stars were reflected in the quiet waters.

"That's scarily similar to my actual reason." I couldn't help but say. I walked to next to him. "But rarely would anyone here understand."

He looked at me, I held his gaze. "Thank you, for your beautiful honesty."

I nodded in response and felt a longing to touch him. His hand was cold as it rested on the stone handrail. He let his eyes fall from my face and looked me over, as if just now really seeing me.

"Do you mind if we walk a bit longer?" he asked, his face still betrayed nothing.

I shook my head and we continued our walk.

We did not talk much as we strolled down the path. We walked past the bridge, past a few farm houses just outside the city and walked by the edge of the river.

"So what do you do?" I asked after a while. "You mentioned Novigrad before."

"I want to become a knight. Knights are unlike soldiers, as they die for a more noble cause than those who die for king and country." He said without any feeling. "And you?"

"I worked at the blacksmith for two days."

"That's hardly an answer."

"What's Novigrad like?"

"It's busy. It smells. There are sewers, though. And so many different kinds of people. I like the change of pace."

"Do you live around here?" I asked. Victor looked up at the moon, his sharp hooked nose cast a shadow over the other half of his face and I couldn't help but admire his features. High cheekbones and thin eyebrows. Heavens, what a sight. At least it kept my mind off... oh well, not anymore then.

"Yeah, just inside the gates, over there." He pointed in the other direction. "And you?"

"I'm just staying at the inn in Oxenfurt."

"The inn? What for?"

"I travel with a companion. He's a Witcher, he helps me with my curse and I try to not be a burden."

"A Witcher? That must be quite the companion. Is it true what they say about the Witcher's libido?" His last remark was sharp, but his face showed no emotion.

"I wouldn't know." I said. "Are you interested in a man like that?"

He sputtered a silly comeback. I felt a tinge proud at getting a rise out of him. He recovered quick, however. "I hardly think that's appropriate."

"How is it different from your implicit remark?" I drew lines in the sand with the toe of my boots.

"Ah, forgive me. I don't often meet women with such sharp tongues."

"You're forgiven. My tongue is only sharp in response to yours." I answered, looking up at him. He stepped closer.

"I bet you're normally so sweet. Hard-working too, I heard. Are you honest?" He was a good head taller than me and I stared at him. His stare resembled the silver I polished today, it seemed cold, but shone brightly. His tone didn't betray anything either.

"That depends, why are you asking?"

"If you will be honest with me, I want you to stay with me during your time in Oxenfurt. I will not expect anything from you, but it will give us the opportunity to get more closely acquainted." He searched for something in my face, his lips slightly parted. At that moment, in the moonlight, I saw what it was he wanted. A harsh man, honest, but lonely and hardened by betrayal.

"I cannot promise you anything, but a little warmth on a cold night." I said. He stepped even closer, I felt his breath ghost over my face and I tilted my head back further in order to meet his eyes. I reached out, laying my hand in the nape of his neck, our noses touching.

"My nights are... icy cold." He whispered, his brow furrowing ever so slightly. But I wanted him to be sure. He let out a whimper and pressed his lips to mine.

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