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I couldn't believe what I just heard.
Blue told all that happened as he gasped and hiccuped into Dust's side. I'm surprised Dust was being so kind to him, maybe because at this moment in time we were all grieving.
'I was trying to talk sense into him! Ink isn't himself anymore, he was just saying things in a language I never heard, I tried desperately to reach him! Yet, when I got to close...he grabbed me, he ripped at my eye socket until it cracked, then I felt myself flying and I hit t-the ground, I think that's when my leg was broken...he was standing over me, he no longer carries his brush anymore, it's a long staff with a blade at the end, kinda like reapers! T-then...Altyin grabbed him, I blacked out...when I came too...b-blood was everywhere...a-and her...body....was in pieces...'
Blue couldn't tell me anymore due to his trauma, and honestly I didn't wanna hear anymore, my stomach was twisting and squeezing itself from the discomfort and fear I was feeling, my head hurt from how hard I wanted to grieve for my friend. Error was blank and crashing over and over again, as if the information couldn't be processed. Dream and Nightmare has joined us before the story was heard, Dream was sobbing, his poor body shaking from the force of his cries. Nightmare held him, silent tears also stained his face, I yearned to comfort him, but for now..this must end. He must end.

"I need them" I told Error as we were finally alone, Error had finally come back and seemed still in denial. "Cross if we get those two, the multi verse will be in more danger, they are called only in extreme emergencies" Error answered, I know he's right but...I couldn't loose anymore allies and friends to this monster. "You don't think this isn't a fucking emergency?!" I screeched at him, not understanding why this wasn't an emergency, one of the highest code readers and protectors was fucking dead. Ink was now killing people, viciously it seems as well. "Look..I know your right, but they are just as vicious and cruel as they come...plus Altyin was Error 404s Ex wife..." Error trailed off, exposing his true feeling in this.
Oh he would kill Ink in a single flash due to this crime, no actual judgement would be made. "Error, I know you still love Ink..."
"Don't you dare Cross"
Error was clutching at his soul as he knew I was right, we had to get help. If not this would end badly. It was beyond us now, Ink killed a higher up, and now he must be trialed. "I'll talk to Glitch.." Error finally gave in, knowing that now was the time to call upon the higher ups. "I will get hate, sense he is pretty much my neighbor" I thought allowed. Hate was not really even a sans, he was literally the creature of hate in this world. He lived in the lands with us, he technically is an ally, however he is actually quite the asshole. I guess for now, 404 didn't need to be involved. Even though I fear he will find out sooner rather than later.
Then a thought hit me, what happens when I go to war? Who will be here for my love if I die? What if Ink finds him?! I felt my soul drop, after seeing what he did to blue...I much rather not think of that at this time. I know this wasn't completely Inks doing, he was just the puppet now. His body being controlled by Xgaster himself. A shell of what used to be. Yet, if he knew I loved him, he would use it to his advantage I know that for a fact, the guy was quite a good at manipulating someone and he could easily make Nightmare switch sides...or worse
End his life and send me into hell once more.

"S-she did so much for us" Dream hiccuped, clutching to my shirt as I pet his skull. I couldn't believe it, as soon as she came, she was gone. Altyin has become quite the friend to my brother and I, she helped him out of the void and gave him a second chance at life. She gave me my brother back, and now I can't even thank her.
She was gone.
"Shhh, she fought to protect, respect her death" I told him, that was how we told grieving mothers and families to help them move on from there overwhelming emotion. Grief was a high quality emotion, so many emotions at once and most where from my side of things. Pain, sadness, anger, confusion, etc. All of it at once however, is not easy to handle. My brother, was a softy, he didn't take death easy even long ago. I remember when our cat, Mr. fluffy, died from old age. He was devastated and cried for three days. Those emotions were not easy to feel from the god of light and positive. "I..do respect her death" Dream sat up now, standing up from the bed and from me as he wiped his tears. "We have to honor her death, find her body, and put her to rest" Dream was now full of determination, he wanted to give Altyin what we call a heroic goodbye. Where you bury your dead and tell their stories to young and old, to keep the memory of the sacrifice they made alive. I blinked, my brother was right, but we were not fighters. If Ink found us we would probably die, just saying. Yet, I felt like at the same time, we owed her this. She and Cross brought us back together in life. Cross gave me a home, and if it wasn't for him and her, I wouldn't know what would happen to my brother as a ghost. However, how would Cross feel if we just...left? Would he think we were being rude? How do we even leave?
It suddenly became clear we would need a third in this party.

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