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This is an original story that I have been working on for several months now and I have finally finished it. I'm quite proud of it too as I personally feel as though it is my best story so far. I thoroughly enjoyed writing this one because it is the first story I have posted that is not a fanfiction and although I love writing fanfiction, this gave me the chance to create my own characters which I hope you will eventually fall in love with! Also I will not be adding a cast to this story because I want you guys to imagine new people rather than associate them with celebrities etc. So without further ado, please enjoy the story! xx

Disclaimer: Although the story isn't fully based on it, it does feature some dark topics such as suicide, self harm and depression. Please be warned that if this is not your thing, I advise you to perhaps stay clear of this story because I don't want to offend anyone and if I do, I am deeply sorry. There is also quite strong language in places so if you are young, please be prepared for this.

Within A YearOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz