Chapter 16

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If I said I was embarrassed to see Olive it would be an understatement, I was bloody mortified. Dressed in yesterday’s crinkled clothes and standing next to a pool of my own sick at six o’clock in the morning… I could barely even look at her.

“Why don’t we go for a walk and you can explain…” She laughed lightly, rubbing my back in a friendly manner. I smiled at her weakly and nodded. However after a short while, I began to limp again and Olive frowned. I didn’t want to make a fuss but after a night of dancing, it was literally throbbing.

“Oh of course, your leg! When did you get out of the hospital?”

“Y-Yesterday…” I muttered, trying not to wince in pain as I hobbled along,

“Yesterday?! Oh my god, let’s sit down then.”

We found the nearest bench to sit on which I was grateful for Also it was quite near the beach so there was a nice view of the sea, the one thing I was sure would calm me right now. I pulled my dress up to have a look at my leg and saw the scar was red raw and stinging like crazy.

I quickly put my dress back down though when a sudden flashback of last night hit me. I still couldn’t believe what had happened. I especially couldn’t believe how fast things had changed. One day I was feeling very positive after saving a life and going rock-climbing and the next, I have a best friend who hates me and I have made a complete fool of myself. But I always knew this was coming. My life was always going to go downhill at some point, it always does.

“Does it hurt?” Olive grimaced, motioning towards my leg obviously a bit put off by its appearance.

“A bit…” I admitted, looking out towards the lapping waves whilst trying not to think about it.

Olive shook her head in confusion,

“How did this happen?”

“What my leg?” I frowned,

“No silly… this… you throwing up in the street this early in the morning…” She had a concerned expression etched across her freckled face and I knew that she genuinely cared. She didn’t worry that I was a total mess because she was my friend and right now, I really needed one. So I simply shook my head and began to cry. I could not help it; the heavy tears just came trickling down my face before I could stop them.

Olive pulled me into a warm hug and affectionately rubbed my back again. It was then that I was extremely thankful that she was there and the embarrassment seemed to flood away. I closed my eyes peacefully as the cool sea breeze blew through my matted hair. It was strangely relaxing even though I didn’t really feel relaxed at all.

“Please tell me what’s wrong” She said encouragingly, when I had stop crying enough to talk. Normally I would be quite hesitant to tell someone my problems but I was sure Olive was sincere. Unlike Rocky, I just knew she wouldn’t betray me.

So I told her everything, Fletcher, the party, Rocky… everything and she simply listened patiently, gasping when I told her about having sex with Rocky and what he had said.

“Oh my god, he is such a bastard…” She groaned, “Now you can see why I broke up with him…” I gave her a small smile although I was struggling to find the funny side. I didn’t know what I was going to do.

Suddenly my phone rang within my pocket and I pulled it out slowly. It was Rocky. Evidently he had only just realised that I was no longer in the bed and wanted to know why I had left. Well there was no way I was answering, but Olive seem to have other plans.

“Give it to me” She affirmed, taking the phone swiftly out my hands and pressing accept,

“I always knew you were a dirty bastard but this just about does it… do me a favour and go jump off the nearest cliff!” Olive then ended the call and burst into giggles. Funnily enough I found myself doing the same. I pictured the look on Rocky’s face vividly and it was hilarious. It serves him right though.

Within A YearOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora