Chapter 5

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I never told Fletcher or Olive about what happened on the night of the funfair because honestly I preferred if nobody ever knew. It wasn’t exactly something I wanted to announce. I had considered going to the police about it but I didn’t have a good enough description of the man and they would probably take longer finding him than I would be alive for. So I did what I do best and repressed the memory into the back of my mind.

However, it had caused my anxiety to heighten and I had been extra cautious when walking down the street. I knew it was unlikely for someone to attack me with lots of people around in broad daylight but still I felt extremely uneasy. I had gained something from that night though; I got to meet Rocky or Robert should I say. He had gotten pretty annoyed when I began to constantly call him that though which was fairly amusing.

"Olive is great, isn’t she?" Fletcher sighed leaning back onto the beanbag that was positioned by the side of my bed. It wasn’t uncommon for Fletcher to simply come into my room to relax. I didn’t mind though, my room got pretty lonely sometimes.

“Yeah, she is” I replied, resisting the urge to playfully gag. I knew that he fancied Olive immensely because he had not stopped talking about her since the night of the funfair. In some ways it was quite irritating. I couldn’t have my best friend and my only female friend dating. I would become the biggest third wheel in history or probably just be forgotten about. These were two possibilities I certainly did not like the sound of.

My thoughts were interrupted when Fletcher’s suddenly mood changed and he began repeatedly glancing at his watch. He shot me an agitated look.

“Hey listen… I’ve um… got an appointment with the counsellor” he said, fidgeting uncomfortably, “I was wondering… um…”

“What?” I frowned, perturbed by his sudden strange behaviour.

“Perhaps you could… come along and see one as well?”

My head started to spin wildly at the thought of spilling my demons to an utter stranger. I did not want to see a counsellor in the slightest, I knew where my life was headed… nowhere. No amount of talking would change that.

“No way in hell is that happening” I declared firmly, shooting him an almost dark look. I couldn’t believe he had even suggested it. He knew me better than anyone; he must know that that would be my idea of torture.

“Lacey I think it might help… it has helped me with my depression…”

“I don’t have depression” I snapped a little too harshly.

“You tried to kill yourself last week… You do need some kind of support”

“You’re my support.”

Fletcher smiled mildly once I had said this but still continued to rant,

“I will always support you Lace but I am not enough, you need professionals…”

“I don’t!”

I was beginning to fill with anger at his persistent. Couldn’t he understand where I was coming from? I didn’t need professional help. What would be the point if I’m going to kill myself anyway?

“Lacey, I’m not joking here… Please just try out one session… for me?” He begged, pushing out his bottom lip to emphasise his cuteness and make me feel sorry for him.

“I just don’t comfortable doing it…”

“Neither did I at first but it helps… I promise…”

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