Chapter 22

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Fletcher getting out of hospital took longer than I had expected. He had so many broken bones and injuries that the doctors held him in for four weeks. It was extremely annoying to say the least but it also meant that every day I could go and see him whenever I wanted. I didn’t have to search for him because he was just there, but then he always was.

Oddly, it was not awkward between us after we had shared our first kiss; in fact it had not been our last kiss either. We would grab any opportunity when Olive wasn’t around to simply act as though we were a couple and although it felt amazing, the guilt was practically overwhelming. How were we going to tell Olive about us? It would break her heart and I really did not want to lose her as a friend. But it had to be done. I couldn’t bear betraying her any longer.

So a few days before Fletcher was released, I asked her to come to the hospital so that the two of us could explain properly. I was dreading it.

“It’s so good that you’re finally getting out” She chirped, sitting in one of the armchairs that had been placed around the bed. The nurse had noticed how often we came to visit and therefore reserved two armchairs for us. I liked her.

“Yeah…” Fletcher murmured, I could tell he was also nervous about telling Olive what had been happening between us. She was his girlfriend after all.

“Listen Liv… I’ve got… err… something to tell you…” He said nervously. I was slightly confused because that was the first time I had ever heard him call her ‘Liv’. It sounded very strange, almost as strange as her calling him Fletchy.  She glanced up and looked hopeful at him but I could detect a glint of sadness in her eyes and knew that that she was aware of what was going to happen.

“Well… you see… um… well… the thing is… I… um…”

“Fletcher and I have been seeing each other” I blurted out after seeing that he was struggling. I instantly regretted being so blunt about it because it sounded so utterly heartless but Olive’s reaction really stunned the both of us.

Instead of bursting into tears or going on an angry rampage, she merely sat up in the armchair and began to giggle.

“Yes! God, finally!” She laughed, shaking her head while she gaze shifted between the two of us. She was grinning from ear to ear as she continued to chuckle whilst Fletcher and I simply looked at each other bemused.

“You’re not mad?” I asked, frowning slightly at her odd reaction.

“Well… I was at first… when it was obvious you both liked each other but come on… you guys are the perfect couple, I don’t know why you didn’t realise it earlier.” I was shocked. Olive had known we were meant to be together before we did? And she had accepted it just like that? I didn’t understand, all I knew was that I absolutely loved her.

“But me and Fletcher are together… w-we… cheated on you…” I stuttered.

“Yeah… that was why I was a bit upset to start with... the moment Fletcher said your name when he was waking up, I knew. I knew that it was over between us and I was kind of fine with that. It wasn’t like it was the romance of the century… no offence” She laughed, glancing over at Fletcher who still looked bewildered, “It’s okay, honestly! I’m happy for you guys!” She insisted.

I couldn’t comprehend how she could be so fine with the situation. Her boyfriend and her friend had been seeing each other behind her back and she was happy about it?  I chose not to dwell on it for too long and simply threw myself into her arms and hugged her tightly.

“Olive, you are actually the kindest, most wonderful friend I could have ever asked for… I’m so sorry I went behind your back…”

She rubbed my back in a familiar way and chuckled again lightly,

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