Chapter 21

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The life that I saw in Fletcher’s eyes caused me to fill with pure happiness. I refused to let go of his hand as I gazed down at him. It seemed that everything that had happened between us didn’t even matter anymore and we were just pleased to see one another. I glanced up at Olive who was looking quite perturbed.

“What’s wrong?” I frowned, noticing that she was shifting uncomfortably on the bed.

“Nothing… I’m fine honest, I’m just going to get a drink” She smiled weakly, rubbing Fletcher’ arm affectionately before exiting the room. I was quite confused by Olive’s actions but decided not to dwell on them too much. Fletcher was my main focus right now.

“H-How are you feeling?” I asked, my voice cracking slightly because I was so overwhelmed with emotions,

“Like I’ve been hit by a bus…” He mumbled quietly, turning his head before hissing at the pain in his neck. His eyes scanned down to see the neck support around him and he sighed heavily.

“Well… it was a car but…” I joked lightly, giving him a smirk. I watched as his face strained and he too smiled feebly.  I loved that we could still joke around even when so much had happened between us. I guess that really showed the strength of our friendship. We had been through a rough patch but ultimately we had come out better on the other side. It’s funny how things turn out, isn’t it?

“I’m sorry…” He croaked after a few moments of silent smiling,

“No Fletch, I’m sorry” I injected quickly, “I was a total idiot to ever choose Rocky over you. I should have stayed with you on that pier, especially after you had gone to so much effort… I promise that will never happen again.” I stared directly into his emerald eyes to prove that I was serious. I couldn’t even believe that Rocky had ever been an option. I couldn’t believe that for one simple moment I had thought that he was special or remotely good. I was so wrong.

But then I had been wrong about so many things. I had been wrong about not being to change my life around. I was wrong about not wanting to see a counsellor. I had been wrong about thinking Fletcher was just my best friend.

“Fletch, do you remember anything about what happened after you got hit?” I queried. I had told him I loved him while he was crumpled up on the road and I wanted to know whether he had heard it, although I wasn’t sure to say next if he had.

“Um… no not really” He frowned, evidently trying to think back. I wasn’t sure whether or not to be relieved or disappointed. Did I want Fletcher to know I was in love with him? It would have an impact on his relationship with Olive, not to mention our own friendship. Could I afford to ruin everything again? I didn’t want to lose anybody, not when I was so comfortable with who was in my life. But could I really keep going on, not saying anything? Suffering in silence while secretly being in love with my best friend?

“Why do you ask?” He grumbled, moving awkwardly on the bed.

“Oh… err… no reason” I replied casually, helping him to move his pillow into a more natural position,

“Shall I get the nurses to get you out of that support?” I wanted to change the subject fast because I didn’t want him asking too many questions. He nodded slowly but I don’t think he was convinced.

I called for a nurse on the buzzer beside his bed and the same butterscotch haired woman came scurrying in with a look of panic on her face.

“What is it? What’s happened?” She said frantically, looking at me with wild eyes. Her gaze then moved towards Fletcher and I saw her whole body relax,

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