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It was naive of him to think he could take on the Hero Killer by himself, but he had been unwilling to put anyone else in harm's way. He figured it would be fine; if he lost, Stain would just kill him and he was free to try again.

But he didn't. Instead, as Izuku cried for his muscles to move, the villain moved right past him, as if he hadn't even realized Izuku was there in the first place. His feet slowed and finally stopped as they found themselves in front of Iida, still on the ground. Izuku could only scream as he watched that blade plunge into his friend's neck. The other hero with them, Native, followed shortly after.

Unable to move, watching Iida's face growing ever paler as blood spurted out of his gaping mouth and open wound, was by far the worst thing Izuku had experienced during the loops. The USJ couldn't compare, because at least then he had always been able to do something... Even as he tried to look away (just an inch, that's all I'm begging for, just move an inch) he couldn't shut his ears to the wet gurgling of Iida struggling for his one, last breath.

Stain left, not even deigning his victims with a glance as he stalked off. "You're weak, but your hero's spirit is strong. Let this experience serve as a lesson: remember it, and use it to grow strong, so that next time you may save a life."

He wasn't sure what was so amusing, but a shrill laugh suddenly burst through his lips. It echoed and bounced across graffitied walls and halted the killer in his track. "A lesson? You killed my friend for a lesson?" Tears streamed down his face. "You tell me to save lives, but what about you?" His fingers twitched. "I don't want to hear that from a murderer!"

If Hero Killer Stain had any retort to that, Izuku didn't wait to listen. His neck cracked and windpipes crushed against impossibly strong fingers. The laughter stopped, and the alleyway fell silent.

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