Demolition Synergy

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"This is fucking crazy," Kacchan muttered, but the sharp grin on his face was telling. "This is fucking crazy."

"So... you're actually going along with it?" Izuku knew the question ran the risk of pissing the other teen off, but he never expected Kacchan to look so excited.

"The fucking expression on his face is going to be priceless," he said, and Izuku wasn't sure if it was an answer to the question, or the blonde just thinking aloud and ignoring him completely. Kacchan nodded his messy hair of spikes silently, as if already imagining it. Which, knowing him, he probably was. "Just don't fuck this up, because I sure as hell ain't gonna carry you out of there."

"So long we get All Might, it's fine," Izuku assured. "Then you can just run for the exit."

Kacchan looked at him, as if offended. "Always the same self-sacrificing asshole," he sneered, and Izuku realized his mistake.

Quickly, before he had the time to work himself into a rage, Izuku corrected himself. Meeting the crimson gaze glaring daggers into him, he answered in a tone with unwavering resolve laced around every letter. "I'm not gonna fail, Kacchan."

"That's what I fucking thought," he answered with a nod. "Now come on—let's fucking destroy him."


All Might scratched his chin, eyes scanning the concrete rubbles and crumpling buildings that made up the destroyed landscape around him. "Hmm... now where could those two be hiding...?"

One ear perking up, he gyrated his broad body to greet approaching footsteps. "Ah, Midoriya, my boy!" he welcomed, before tilting his head to the side and cupping his chin thoughtfully. "Now let's see, where is that angry friend of yours?"

"Not here," Izuku replied, not missing a beat. His lips were pressed tight together in a thin line of displeasure, and he eyed his teacher cautiously. "You know, pairing the two of us together was really cruel, All Might."

His name was uttered like a dirty word, and All Might forced a strained chuckle, eyes flickering nervously from the boy in front of him to the many jagged piles of debris scattering the destroyed battle grounds. "Not my idea, young man! But you know, a professional hero must have the ability to adapt to any situation—even unsavory teammates!"

"Oh—so I'm the one that needs to adapt?" Izuku walked with leisurely steps toward the not-villain, gravel crunching under his heel with every meticulous step. He paused by a wrinkled guard railing, which despite all the abuse it had endured, was still valiantly fighting to stand in the cracked concrete ground, as everything else fell apart around it. Izuku ran his gloved fingers over it carefully, feeling it shift precariously beneath them. "That's funny. I'm not the one who attacked his ally when things didn't go my way. Ah—but I did fight back. Was that wrong of me? Am I not allowed to defend myself? Should I have just let him keep punching me until he was satisfied?" Izuku smiled sardonically, hand closing around the metal bar resting between his fingers.

All Might coughed into his fist awkwardly. "Now now, that's not what I—" he started, before cutting himself off when he realized he didn't know how to proceed. "What I mean is... what I'm trying to say—"

The hero's teeth clamped painfully over the tip of his tongue in surprise when a deafeningly loud explosion rang out behind him. Instantly, his head whipped backwards hard enough to give him whiplash, but Izuku forced the attention back on him with a loud shout and a gust of wind.

"Don't turn your back on me, All Might!"

It was just in time that his teacher managed to concentrate his focus back on his student, and his reflexes forced his arms up to shield him from the worst of the damage, while his heels dug deeply into the ground to dampen the effect of the windy assault.

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