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Izuku looked like a fish gaping for air, mouth open in disbelief. He knew what it meant once he crossed that finish line, but he never thought he would actually make it. Kacchan's expression was neutral like stone, but his clenching fists betrayed the emotion he couldn't hide, spilling out of them like the tiny lines of crimson dripping from his palms to the tip of his fingers.

"You really surprised me with that falling building!" All Might smiled, before his face suddenly took on a more serious tone. "That being said, while your tactic might have worked on the basis of this being a simple exam, I'm sure you know as well as I that this could never be used in a real life scenario. For that, not to mention your recklessness, I have to give you a few demerits." Kacchan tsked. "Still, as you did follow the rules of the exam, you both pass!" The hero's smile pulled taught over his cheeks, pearly whites gleaming like diamonds in the sun. His dark pits surveyed his two students, and with a bright expression of relief and pride, he proclaimed, "Wonderful teamwork, you two!"

As predicted, after Izuku and Kacchan had been forcibly whisked away to the nurse's office, Recovery Girl dished out a biting lecture about "understanding your own limits" and that "recklessness will only get you killed". It was interesting to see someone else on the receiving end of the her ire for once, Izuku thought, and the fuming blonde looked like he was about ready to implode.

Kacchan's hands were wrapped in layers of bandages, and swimming in a hefty amount of salves to ease the pain and speed up the healing process. Izuku's feet and legs found themselves in the same predicament, and he momentarily considered never moving again. Every little twitch of his torn muscles felt like someone firing a flamethrower aimed specifically at his nerve endings. Maybe I can find a job as a living statue, he thought, wincing.

Not long after Recovery Girl finished her treatment, Aizawa walked through the door together with a sheepish All Might at his heels. Izuku raised an eyebrow at them, which Aizawa met with a dead eyed stare.

Kacchan was wearing his usual expression of displeasure, and with a scowl at the teachers, he barked out an annoyed, "What?"

Aizawa's eyes landed on searing red, and for a moment, he was just silent. Then, with a deep frustrated sigh, he spoke. "I watched the footage of your match," he eyed them coolly. "Your behavior was unacceptable."

"Now now Aizawa, they did—" All Might began, but cut himself off when he received a tired glare in response.

"Don't try to make excuses, All Might. They need to hear this, and you know it as well as I do."

All Might peered at his students, looking guilty, but ultimately sighed and nodded his head in acquiescence. "No, you're right. Please excuse me; I got too caught up in the moment."

Aizawa hummed, and his attention returned to the two teens frowning up at him from their hospital beds. The teacher's dark eyes zeroed in on Kacchan, finding their first target as he shot off his lecture. Izuku observed silently, watching as crimson eyes began to twitch in frustration.

"Bakugou. You attacked your teammate, unprovoked. And no, finding him annoying doesn't count as a 'provocation'," he snapped, before Kacchan could open his mouth. "I shouldn't have to tell you why this sort of behavior is unacceptable, especially for someone studying to be a hero, but you've proven me wrong." Kacchan lowered his head, but continued to glare hotly at his teacher. Aizawa continued, "You're supposed to be fighting villains, not each other. What if your little spat caused you to fail? What if the villain escaped? What if your inability to control your own emotions caused someone's death?" with each word his eyes burrowed deeper into Kacchan's. "In a real battle, even the tiniest distraction could be the difference between life and death. You don't become a hero because you want to fight. You become a hero because you want to save lives."

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