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"You're weak, but your hero's spirit is strong. Let this experience serve as a lesson: remember it, and use it to grow strong, so that next time you may save a life."

"You're weak, but your hero's spirit is strong. Let this experience serve as a lesson: remember it, and use it to grow strong, so that next time you may save a life."

"You're weak—"

"You're weak—"


"—save a life."

"Shut up!"

Izuku couldn't listen to this again, he couldn't—

Again and again and again! I just want you gone alreadygonegonegonegonegone

Restart. Reset.

"I wish you were dead."


This... was not supposed to happen. This isn't what heroes did. Right?

That man was going to kill them. Iida, Native, Todoroki

He deserved it.

But Izuku wasn't happy. Nor sad, or guilty. Not even angry. He just felt—

Nothing. Nothing at all.

Blood stained his pristine white gloves red, and he felt nothing. It had been so easy, it was almost funny. Here, he had fought so hard, retried so many times, but all it had taken was one punch.

His arm hung limply, a rainbow of blues, reds and purples. If he could have felt it, he bet the pain would be excruciating. But all he felt was the dead weight of an unresponding limb by his side, numb, like the rest of him.

Jade eyes stared darkly at Stain, propped up against a wall and slumped over bonelessly. Red liquid seeped into the fabric of his clothes, almost invisible against the red and blacks, which Izuku supposed was the point.

The head had been reduced into a red and pink stain on the wall, with chunks of skin, hair and splinters of bone clinging to every nearby surface, glued on with drying blood.

It was sick, but the thought was nothing more than a courtesy. Locked behind a glass wall, it pounded and shouted for him to listen! But the boy couldn't even deign himself to so much as glance in its direction, preferring to feign deafness in place of this screaming voice that spoke all too much.


He jolted into awareness when he felt a hand slam down onto his shoulder. Iida was staring at him, eyes wide, looking as if he didn't even recognize the person before him.

"You..." the broad shouldered teen swallowed heavily, looking unsure. As if he didn't know whether to pull Izuku toward him or push away. His lips opened and closed over and over again, but no words ever left. Then, in a move that must have surprised them both, the emerald boy was pulled into a tight hug. Izuku shoulder was growing wet as Iida found his head buried into the crook of his neck.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

Izuku heard Iida mumble the words over and over, as he rocked both their bodies slowly back and forth. And, just like that, the walls broke and crumbled into dust as Izuku's body shook violently as sob after sob ripped through his throat painfully. It hurt, so so much, but Iida refused to let go, only clinging onto him harder.

He knew what had to be done. But, for just a moment, Izuku let himself stay like that, as each boy cried their pains out.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

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