Four's a Team

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"The Wild Wild Pussycats," Izuku smiled. They had just stepped off the bus to where U.A's first year hero classes would participate in a several day long training regimen which, according to Aizawa, would push their quirks and physical abilities to the limit. Despite the underlying threat in his teacher's voice as he vaguely explained what they would be doing, Izuku was excited.

It wasn't as obvious now as it used to be but at heart, the freckled teen was still a hero-loving fanboy. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't looking forward to be learning directly under such a well respected hero team. Mandalay, Pixie-Bob, Ragdoll and Tiger; Izuku owned at least one figurine of each member at home, along with his much priced poster of the quartet striking a dynamic pose whilst smiling together and pointing dramatically at the camera. Recalling it now, the memory caused a light blush to creep up his cheeks. Maybe his hero obsession was a bit over the top after all.

"You'll be staying at the foot of that mountain over there, where you'll find lodging and all necessary accommodations," Mandalay announced, pointing a thick-gloved finger for further emphasis down at the massive forest situated just below the hill-cliff they currently stood on. It was enough to bring Izuku out of his reverie and he blinked to attention. As he zoned back to awareness he noticed for the first time the young, much too young to be a U.A. student, boy shuffling awkwardly at a distance away from everyone else. By the look on his face, he'd rather be anywhere than here. Uraraka leaned in by his side.

"Hey, did you see Tiger or Ragdoll when you stepped off the bus?"

Izuku shook his head. He'd been searching for them ever since they first arrived, but the only heroes of the four-man team greeting them was Mandalay and Pixie-Bob. "No. They're probably meeting up class 1-B somewhere else."

"I guess you're right," Uraraka nodded her assent. Her eyes then landed on the mystery child, now busy kicking pebbles off of the cliff's edge. "Who's that?" she wondered aloud, gesticulating her head in the general direction. Izuku shrugged noncommittally. He opened his mouth to expand the answer, but was immediately and mercilessly cut off as dirt funneled down his throat, sending him into a violent coughing fit. Before he could even process what had just happened, his body was carried high into the air while a voice loudly declared:

"Sorry kids, but the training's already begun! I want to see you by the camping grounds in three hours or you won't make it in time for lunch!" Mandalay grinned, waving at them much too cheerfully as a massive wave of dirt pushed under the feet of every single 1-A student and carried them to the cliff's edge, throwing them off with hardly any warning. The heroine ran up to the wooden fence that looked unbothered by the display of power, shouting after them. "You're free to use your quirks as you see fit, so long you don't hurt each other that is! Now, have fun kitties! Let's see if you've got what it takes to become real heroes and survive the Beast's Forest."

Beast's Forest, Izuku contemplated. A smirk tugged at the edge of his face. He twisted his body in the air, curling it into a ball and doing a few flips before landing with a roll, coming up into a crouch and easily mitigating any damage. Bring it on.

Uraraka floated down beside him, looking slightly sick but over all unharmed.

"R-release..." she grunted out between clenched teeth, before falling to her knees with a relieved sigh. Iida touched down not far behind, though he wasn't quite as graceful about it and struggled to keep his balance. He ultimately failed, planting face first into the (thankfully) soft ground with a soft "oof".

Izuku stifled a chuckle and came out of his hunched position, wandering up to his friend and offered a scarred hand.

"You alright?" he questioned. Iida let out a groan as he pushed up on shaky arms, rubbing his face free of dirt and grimacing in distaste.

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