For a Moment

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Izuku was lost in a different world—a world made by two, a villain and the designated hero. He wasn't brought back to reality until a hero and a few police officers arrived on the scene to take the the captured criminal away. Shigaraki hissed as his broken hands were cuffed behind his back, and his eyes seared as he stared at Izuku with pure hate. The boy stared back, face blank.

One of the police officers smiled at Izuku, seemingly impressed as he thanked him for catching such a high profile villain. His partner glared at the other officer, before scolding the freckled teen for his recklessness. Izuku wasn't surprised by the response, but seriously, what was he supposed to do? Stay still and hope Shigaraki would let him live?


He was questioned several times if he needed any medical assistance, but Izuku declined them each time. "I'm fine... but my throat will probably have a few bruises tomorrow." He nodded toward Shigaraki, who had finally seized struggling as he was escorted away. The man stood hunched over, head bowed, long pale hair concealing whatever expression his face currently held. "He probably needs it more than I do."

The cuffed villain raised his head slightly. A sharp red glow peeked through ragged strands, holding a silent promise for the future. But Shigaraki didn't need words for his message to ring loud and clear. I'm going to kill you, his eyes stung Izuku's soul like a sharp cut of the knife. I don't care what I have to do. I'm going to k i l l you.

Curious crowds of people were shooed to the side as three people were escorted out of the mall. Uraraka had been asked to come along as a witness, and she had made it her mission to stand like a shield between Shigaraki and her friend. She watched the black hooded figure like a hawk, her usual soft eyes dark and calculating and with a dangerous frown on her face. Like the villain could get free at any moment.

Shigaraki looked back, observing the two students as they were ushered into a waiting police car. The hooded man was still surrounded by police officers and a vigilant hero, standing as if waiting for something. Izuku peered on curiously until the serious looking policewoman closest to him answered the silent question.

"They want better security before they leave," she provided, nodding toward the group. "Another hero has been called in, along with something more sturdy than this to transport the villain in," she slapped the roof of the police car for emphasis. Izuku nodded with understanding, and the woman pushed his door shut so they could leave.

Before it swung closed completely, the boy took a last glance at Shigaraki. His mouth moved, cracked lips forming just a single word. "Midoriya..."


And the door sealed.

Izuku could hear his own breath in his ears. The air around him felt oppressing, cold and careless, turning his skin into goosebumps. He shivered, staring through the black window at darkened gray and a dot muted red, which stood out against everything else. A color screaming for attention, an universal sign of caution.

He looked at his hands. They were shaking. He curled his fingers into clenched fists, pushing them down into his lap. Be still, he told his body, but the name echoed in his head.


The way Shigaraki looked at him, the crimson of his eyes flickering wildly, but never losing their focus on him.


"Are you really alright?" Uraraka asked, and Izuku took a heavy breath at the sound of her voice. He turned his head. The girl fidgeted uncomfortably in the seat next to him, displaying her nervosity. "I-it's just... It's not like I don't trust you, but I know you don't like to rely on others, s-so..." she trailed off, eyes drifting to the side.

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