Kill Switch

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His ears were ringing. It was a familiar sound and he felt his cheek burn in conditioned response. In the corner of his eye was Bakugou, palm outstretched and sneering. Izuku blinked. The image was gone, as was the stinging sensation on his jowl. He blinked again. The screeching pitch didn't leave, even after he shook his head back and forth to jolt it loose. He frowned. He knew the horrible noise were there for a reason but he couldn't remember why.

I'm in my room. There is no Kacchan here. No one set off an explosion next to my ear.

His computer screen. It glowed a soft blue, something Izuku was finding increasingly irritating as it burned his eyes. Maybe he wouldn't find it so irritation if he remembered to blink, but for whatever reason Izuku could only process one thought at a time. As soon as his focus shifted he would lose track of whatever he was doing previously.

There was something in his hand. His computer mouse.


Now he remembered.

His mouse cursor hovered hesitantly in place. One more click and his purchase would be completed. He'd gotten this far yet he found himself hesitating.

This is a crime, he reminded himself, unhelpfully. It was like the realization just hit him. Of course he knew it was a felony before, but he never took the time to consider what it meant until this very moment. He was about to cross a line he never thought he would reach. What would happen if he got caught? No one wants a hero with a criminal record.

A bullet of cold sweat rolled over his brow. Then he snorted and a sardonic smile slit his face. After all he had been through and something this trivial still caused his fingers to tingle and stomach to clench.

He wondered what people would think of him if they saw him right now. Funnily enough, that thought scared him the most, more so than getting caught did. His mom, All Might, Iida, Uraraka... he imagined the disappointed looks on their faces. All Might shook his head slowly, wishing he hadn't been so hasty in choosing his successor. Inko cried, asking where she went wrong in raising him. Iida chopped his hands through the air, giving a wild lecture of how what he did was not only wrong legally, but morally. Uraraka frowned sadly... concerned?

"Why?" she asked him. "Why would you need something like that?"

Izuku couldn't answer.

"You wouldn't believe me, even if I told you."

Her fist clenched in frustration and she glared at him, defiantly.

"You won't even give us a chance. Why, Deku? Why?"

Because, he thought. I don't want to.


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---'s for the best.


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