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Deku should have expected it. He should have—but he hadn't wanted to. He hadn't—

                                        I never wanted any of this.

—wanted to.

The pride he felt as he watched Todoroki use his left side, wielding the flames like they belonged to him—because they did, it's your power!—was overshadowed by pain when he watched them flicker out and die. The scarred face of the boy looked colder than ever, and Izuku hated how he could hear every sickening drop, rip and slice in the silence left after the roaring fire's wake. Of course he would get Todoroki killed. Again.

It's not any better than the first.

And Iida. And Native.

"You're weak, but your hero's spirit is strong. Let this experience serve as a lesson: remember it, and use it to grow strong, so that next time you may save a life."

Ha, ha, ha...

Now that's funny.

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