Chapter 2

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Lexa POV
After taking a long bath to get rid of the coffee smell, I looked at the very shattered phone hoping it gave me some indication of who the owner of the phone was. The only things I managed to get from the phone was the network it was on and what seemed like a picture of the girl I ran into and some guy. I ended up deciding that tomorrow I was going to pay a visit to an old friend and call in a favor.

I had dinner in my very large but also very empty penthouse. I decided to do some work as seeing I took the rest of the day off. I threw myself at the work that was waiting for me in my office. I was looking through a final contract that made me an owner of yet another business but all I could think about was this morning.

I tried remembering every single detail of the mystery girl I saw. The way her white vest was hanging from her arm. How she was smiling at her phone. Her beautiful eyes that reminded me of the clear ocean. How her mouth slightly opened when she finally looked at me. How soft her hands were that she had offered me to get up with.

I got up quickly trying to push all those thoughts out of my head. I left my office realizing I wasn't going to get any work done with her on my mind.


Clarke POV
I looked down at my watch as I had just finished an emergency small-bowel resection.

11:33 PM

It was definitely late. I'm surprised that Bellamy hasn't texted me. I reach into my pocket searching for my phone but had no luck. It didn't seem like a big deal seeing as I probably left it in the scrub room. I was too tired to look for it so I went into an on-call room to sleep.


Lexa POV
I got up this morning quicker than I usually get up. My newfound inspiration to find out who this girl was giving me every reason to go. Instead of cooking breakfast like I usually do, I decided to order some ahead and just pick it up.

I grabbed my keys and made my way downstairs to my Corvette. I'm not a materialistic person but god did I love that car. How could you not love a slick arctic white convertible that took you from zero to 60 in 3.7 seconds? It was worth every single dime I paid for.

I made my way to the office after picking up breakfast and buying Anya some seeing as I would need to stay on her good side today. Anya was a dear friend of mine who has become my family along the way. She co-owns the company with me. I have a majority of the shares but Anya could still do some lethal damage if she wanted.

As I made my way to the office, I get admiration looks from my own employees probably trying to stay on my good side as well. I made my way to Anya's office trying to think of ways to approach the situation.

"Look who's finally here," Anya said without completely looking up at me.

I rolled my eyes trying to ignore the hidden insult. "I brought breakfast."

Anya snorted saying "Who died?" said jokingly. I glared at her trying to hide my smile.

"Can I not do anything nice for you? No one has to die for me to bring you breakfast." I said as I sat the bags of food down.

"You're right... who's in the hospital?" a laugh escaped knowing that Anya would be happy I finally let it escape me.

"What do you want Woods?" Anya said as she uncovered her food. Heck, she knows me too well.

"I'm taking the day off," I said not meeting her eyes knowing I'd be met with fury in them. Instead, I focused on getting my food back into the bag to have a quick getaway.

"No, we need to finish pushing the contract over the finish line... we can't do that without the main shareholders, being you and me." Anya said with some hint of her ego getting the best of her. At least she tried not to gloat.

"I wasn't asking Anya. I'm going to take the day off and there's nothing you can do about it. Perks of being my own boss." I said smirking knowing there's nothing she could do to stop me.

"Well, what got you to take a day off? You NEVER take days off. Not even when you're sick. Wait... who got you to take the day off??" she said eyeing me for my response. I accidentally let a small smile slip onto my face. Anya, like always, took full advantage.

"So I'm right... there is a someone... who is this someone in particular?"

"There is no 'someone' Anya, I've just decided to take the day off. I think it's time I stop overworking myself." I shrugged as I started to walk away taking my food with me.

"Don't you dare walk away from me?!" Anya yelled trying to get more information out of me as I made my way towards the door.

"You're welcome for breakfast," I said loudly over my shoulder as I was trying to make my escape.

Time to call in a favor.

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