Chapter 7

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Lexa POV
I had finally landed. I was waiting to get checked out, so I decided to check my phone. I had a couple of more missed calls and messages from Anya. I decided to finally open and respond to all of my notifications.

Clarke: thank you for the new phone, although i could've purchased it myself...

Clarke: i'm sorry if i offended you... just let me know when you're so we can meet up.

I shook my head in shame while scolding myself. I should've responded earlier this morning.

Lexa: I was not offended by your message, I just landed and saw your message. Let me know if you're still up to meet.

I closed out of that and thought about how to deal with Anya. There's no right way to go about it. I know she's going to be pissed but the more I put it off the worse it's going to get.

I pulled up her contact and stared at it blankly as I braced myself. I finally gathered the courage and pressed on the call button. It didn't ring more than twice before she picked up. I quickly pulled the phone away from my ear knowing I was about to get yelled at.


"Hello to you too Anya," I said sarcastically finally bringing the phone back to my ear.

"Where the hell have you been the past few hours?!" Anya growled through the phone.

"Dealing with business. Why? What's so urgent for you to blow up my phone for?" I was pushing her limit but it didn't matter considering I'm not even in the country.

"THE DEAL IS BREAKING APART!!!! THAT'S WHAT'S HAPPENING!! NOW I NEED YOU TO GET OFF YOUR LAZY ASS!! THIS IS IMPORTANT BUT YOU KEEP ACTING AS IF IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!! STOP GETTING LAID AND GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!!" I clenched my jaw as I heard the words. Now she was pushing my buttons. No one talks to the Commander like that. Not even her. No one.

"First of all, I wasn't "getting laid" so back the heck off. Second of all, I want this deal done and over with more than anyone else. So don't you dare tell me that this doesn't matter to me. Third of all, I suggest you remember who the heck you're talking to. I might not be able to get you fired but I can make your life an absolute living inferno." I growled at her.

"Lexa I'm sorr--" I quickly cut off. She needs to hear what I have to say. She deserves to be hurt by my words.

"Did you ever stop to think about why I am away? Why I'm not even in the country? Did your mind not even jump to the conclusion that there might be something wrong with me? Do you care about the money THAT much? SO MUCH TO THE POINT THAT YOU DON'T REALIZE WHEN THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOUR OWN FUCKING SISTER!?!?!" I coldly said at her. The aching in my chest reappeared and its' presence known.

The aching. Absolutely relentless. The conversation with Anya wasn't helping.

"Lexa, I'm so sorry I didn't know there was--" I cut her off once again, the aching becoming too much to bear.

"I'm going to be gone these next few days. I'll get my assistant Echo to send you all the details on the ball. As far as the deal goes on breaking apart, it's not. An investor is pulling out but the deal can go on without them. Goodbye Anya." I quickly hang up not giving her a chance to respond.

The aching lessened just a little but not much. I made my way to the car I rented for the few days I would be staying here. I tried to think of anything that would make my aching subside. Somehow I ended up thinking of the color blue.

A/N: i know these are short chapters but bare with me. these are filler chapters that are need, better ones are coming soon. also feedback is appreciated :)

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